So, you are on a diet, trying to eat a healthy meal just so that you can fit into your cute red dress the next morning. Great. But, will that really help? Probably not. If you want your diet to work wonders overnight, then it's better that you stick to foods that help you de-bloat. Because maybe that tummy bulge and the puffy cheeks are a result of bloating and you don't know it.
目前你正在节食,想吃的健康一点,这样第二天早晨你就能穿上那件可爱的红裙了 。很棒!但是,这真的有用吗?也许不会 。如果你想一夜之间让饮食创造奇迹,那最好还是坚持吃不会让你水肿的食物 。因为也许你的大肚子和松垮的脸蛋就是因为腹胀才引起的,只是你不知道而已 。
Here's what can work in your favour: a meal that consists of foods that help you get rid of bloating overnight. And lots of H2O, of course. Wondering what to add to your menu? Well, here are a few options that you should consider.
以下做法可以助你实现梦想:能让你一夜之间消除水肿的食物 。当然,还有很多水 。正在思考要吃哪些东西吗?下列几种选择任君挑选 。
Make Celery Your New Best Friend
Do you know that celery has been touted as one of the healthiest foods on the planet? However, you need to have it for your dinner because this green, leafy wonder is packed with water and it helps in flushing out extra fluids from your body. So, no points for guessing that your tummy will look a little flatter, once all the excess water is out of your system. In fact, celery is also considered to be an anti-inflammatory food that helps in reducing inflammation in the digestive system.
你知道吗,芹菜是地球上最健康的食物哦 。然而,晚饭的时候吃芹菜是最好的,因为这一绿叶奇迹水分充足,能帮助排出身体里的多余液体 。一旦身体系统内部排出了多余的水分,那毫无疑问,你的小腹肯定会更平坦 。事实上,人们认为芹菜也是一种消炎食物,能帮助缓解消化系统中的炎症 。
Yogurt Is Not Just a Morning Staple
You might like to begin your day with a bowl of yogurt, but how about ending it with the same? Yup, you can nosh on some yummy yogurt and depend on it to help you de-bloat. However, make sure you steer clear of flavoured ones. Just plain yogurt would do the trick. The reason why you should opt for yogurt at night is because it's full of probiotics, which are basically the bacteria that help in digestion and absorption of food. Once your gastrointestinal system benefits from it--bye bye bloating
也许你的一天从一碗酸奶开始,但也用一碗酸奶结束这一天又会怎么样呢?是的,你可以吃一些美味的酸奶,并指望它帮你消肿 。但一定不要喝调味酸味 。只有原味酸奶才能消肿哦 。为什么要在晚上喝酸奶呢?因为酸奶含有大量益生菌,能帮助你消化、吸收食物 。只要胃肠道系统能从中受益,那就可以和水肿说拜拜啦!
Ginger Is Not Just For Taste
You may like adding ginger to your daily meals for the sake of flavour, but it can do a lot more than that. For instance, it helps in releasing pent up gas in your body. As a result, you will tummy will look a lot flatter once you start eating it.
也许每日三餐你都会加点生姜,让菜的味道更好,但生姜的作用远不止于此 。比如,生姜有助于释放身体中的气体 。因此,吃了生姜后,你的肚子自然会更平坦 。