1. The Myth: Men Are Not Emotional
False! Men are emotional; we've just been taught from adolescence that being emotional is synonymous with weakness, and that weakness is a quality no man should be associated with.
错!男人也会情绪化;青春期的时候我们被这样教导:情绪化无异于软弱,而软弱并不是男人该有的品质 。
Through learning to care for others, playing with dolls, and other things typically associated with a female adolescence, women have been taught just the opposite and are encouraged to share how they feel. Men, on the other hand, play with action figures and video games that perpetuate violence and encourage toughness. Thus, we usually get angry and/or violent when emotional.
人们教育女孩的方式与男孩儿恰恰相反:学习照顾别人、玩娃娃、做些其她少女会做的事情,并且鼓励她们与别人诉说自己的感受 。而男人则扮演硬汉角色、玩鼓励暴力和强硬的电子游戏 。因此,当我们情绪化的时候,我们往往会生气或暴力 。
Thankfully, gender norms are being challenged, and hopefully the expression of emotion will become less mutually exclusive among genders.
令人高兴的是,性别模式受到了挑战,但愿不同性别的人在表达感情方面会少点排斥 。
2. The Myth: Men Don't Like Women to Earn More Than Them
While it's been documented that women earn significantly less money than men in the same position, men - at least modern men - are more than OK with women earning more dough than her beau.
虽然已有证据证明同样的职位,女性比男性挣得少得多,但男人--至少现代男人--觉得女性挣得比她的追求者多是件再正常不过的事情 。
Again, dated gender roles have taught us that men should be the sole provider of the household, and that's just not the case anymore. As such, as this transition occurs throughout society, the occasional man may feel insecure about his financial situation - not because he's not supportive of her, but because he feels as though he isn't fulfilling his end of the bargain, and is failing you as a partner.
过时的性别角色告诉我们:男人应该独自养家,但现在时代变了 。因此,整个社会都正在过渡,很少会有男人对自己的财务状况感到不安--并不是因为他不支持她,而是因为他觉得自己没有履行自己的职责,是个不称职的伴侣 。
In my own relationship, I'd earned more money than my girlfriend for most of our relationship, but recently, my girlfriend got a promotion and earns a more solid income than I do. How did I feel? Proud! I love that she's successful in her career. It's actually a huge turn-on. Dated gender roles aren't going to get in the way of my girlfriend's success or my emotional support as her boyfriend.
在我的恋爱关系中,大多数时候我都挣得比女朋友多,但最近,我女朋友升职了,因此比我挣的多得多 。我是什么感受呢?当然是自豪了!我很高兴她能干出一番事业,这真的很刺激 。过时的性别角色不会阻挡我女朋友的成功、也不会阻挡我支持她 。
3. The Myth: Men Only Care About a Woman's Appearance
This one's just stupid. Men aren't cavemen captivated by appearances. Both men and women look for the same or similar qualities in a partner. As we age, these qualities evolve as we experience failed relationships. Though admittedly, when we're young, we tend to be more shallow and date the "hot" ones.
这真是太蠢了 。男人并不是被外表迷住的穴居人 。找另一半的时候,男人和女人都会寻找同样或相似的品质 。当我们年纪越来越大并从失败的恋情中得出教训时,这些品质的等级就会随之升高 。但不可否认,年轻时我们往往比较肤浅,只会和"辣妹"约会 。