Heart disease is the number one killer of American adults; it takes the lives of 610,000 people each year, which is more than lung cancer, breast cancer, and skin cancer combined. Although heart disease and related complications can be genetic, your heart health is greatly impacted by lifestyle factors -- especially by what you eat.
心脏病是美国成人的头号杀手;每年,因心脏病去世的人达61万,这比因肺癌、乳腺癌和皮肤癌死亡的总人数还要多 。尽管心脏病和相关的并发症可能来自遗传,但你的心脏健康在很大程度上会受到生活方式因素的影响--尤其是你吃的食物 。
Most people assume dietary cholesterol is the number-one heart offender - after all, keeping your "bad" cholesterol (LDL) down and your "good" cholesterol (HDL) is essential for heart health - but recent research proves there's no correlation between eating cholesterol and the levels of cholesterol in your blood. Instead, there are plenty of other foods that could be taking a heavy toll on your heart health without you realizing.
大多数人认为饮食中的胆固醇是影响心脏健康的头号因素--毕竟,保持低水平的"坏"胆固醇(低密度脂蛋白)和"好"胆固醇(高密度脂蛋白)对你的心脏健康是至关重要的--但最近的研究证明摄入胆固醇与血液中的胆固醇水平并没有联系 。相反,在你没有意识到的情况下,很多其它食物可能会对你的心脏健康造成重大伤害 。
1. Added sugar
1. 添加糖
The sweet stuff that's lurking in everything from candy to pasta sauce to ketchup is one of the worst offenders for your heart. "I am on a crusade against sugar," says Adam Splaver, MD, clinical cardiologist and co-founder of NanoHealthAssociates. "Anything that has glucose, fructose or any sort of sugar is bad for your heart as it increases inflammation and inflammation begets cardiovascular disease."
从糖果到意大利面酱再到番茄酱,潜伏在一切食物中的糖是祸害心脏健康的最主要因素之一 。"我正在讨伐糖,"纳米健康协会(NanoHealthAssociates)的临床心脏病专家兼联合创始人亚当·斯布拉瓦尔博士说道 。"含有葡萄糖、果糖或任何其它形式的糖的食物都不利于你的心脏健康,因为这些糖会增加炎症,而炎症会导致心血管疾病 。"
The FDA recommends people no more than consume 50 grams of added sugar a day, but the American Heart Association recommends no more than 36 grams of added sugar for men and 25 grams for women for optimal heart health. If you're trying to protect your heart, it's best to keep it within the 25-36 grams range, using a book like Zero Sugar Diet, or develop a plan with your doctor.
美国食品与药品管理局建议人们每天摄入的添加糖不要超过50克,但美国心脏协会建议,若想获得最佳心脏健康,那男性摄入的添加糖不要超过36克,女性不要超过25克 。如果你试图保护自己的心脏,那最好将添加糖的摄入量控制在25至36克之间,可以参照《零糖饮食》(Zero Sugar Diet)之类的书籍或是和医生制定一个饮食计划 。
2. High Fructose Corn Syrup
2. 高果糖玉米糖浆
Sugar, in general, is bad for your heart, but high fructose corn syrup could be one of the worst offenders. Dr. Splaver warns that fructose can overload your liver and cause insulin resistance. This can lead to metabolic disorders such as type II diabetes.
总的来说,糖不利于你的心脏健康,但高果糖玉米糖浆是最不利于心脏健康的因素之一 。斯布拉瓦尔医生警告:果糖会使你的肝脏负重太多,引起胰岛素抵抗 。这可能会导致代谢紊乱,如2 型糖尿病 。
3. Baked goods
3. 烘焙食品
"Baked goods have a double whammy of sugar and hidden saturated fat," Dr. Splaver says. "[They] generally have no nutritional value and often contain hidden saturated fat and hydrogenated shortenings, which may raise your bad cholesterol (LDL)." Some hydrogenated shortenings contain trans fats, which have been shown to raise cholesterol levels.
"烘焙食品含双份糖和隐藏的饱和脂肪,"斯布拉瓦尔医生说道 。"他们通常没有营养价值,而且还含有隐藏的饱和脂肪和氢化起酥油,可能会引起人体内的坏胆固醇(低密度脂蛋白)水平升高 。"有些氢化起酥油含有反式脂肪,研究已证明这种脂肪能使胆固醇水平升高 。