Watching your favorite show may sound likethe perfect Friday night for some, but you’re putting your health at risk afterjust a couple of episodes. You are literally sitting yourself to death. Sittingmore than 11 hours a day increases risk of premature death by 40 percent.Sitting is not really the new smoking, McLean Shane McLean, certified personaltrainer at Balance Guy Training, says. “This is obviously a bit of anexaggeration, but sitting will definitely not help you stay healthy in the longrun.”
What is your goal?
If your goal is to maintain your generaloverall health, an hour of working out may be enough, according to studies.However, an hour of physical activity a day will not help you if you’re sittingall day and weight loss is your goal, Shane McLean, certified personal trainerat Balance Guy Training, says. “You can’t exercise for a bit and think you’regood.” Just like you can’t sit down and do nothing if you exercise on regularbasis. “This will undo some of the hard work you’ve been doing.” You have tostand up during the day and move as much as you can, McLean adds.
Get up every hour
The body burns most calories while at rest,but in order to make it do so it’s important to stand up and walk as much asyou can throughout the day, McLean says. Don’t give your metabolism a chance toslow down. “Get up every hour to move around and do some stretches.” It’simportant to get that blood going through the body, he adds. You need tostretch your muscles in order to avoid injury next time you train.
。不要让你的新陈代谢有减速的机会 。“每小时站起来走动走动,做做拉伸 。”让血液流过整个身体是很重要的,他补充说 。你需要拉伸自己的肌肉,这样下一次锻炼的时候就能避免受伤 。Keep it simple
“Keep it as uncomplicated as possible,” McLean says. If the rules aresimple to follow, then it’s much easier to do something on regular basiswithout thinking much about it and make it a habit, he adds. Taking the stairsis common. You can do a lot of moves while sitting in a chair, which will helpincrease blood flow. Also, if you can, move your trash can and printer oranything else you use throughout the day away from your desk. This way you haveto get up each time you use them.