In Back to Methuselah, Bernard Shaw imagined super-intelligent beings of 31,920 A.D. growing out of the concerns of art, science and sex ('these childish games—this dancing and singing and mating') and turning away to think about mathematics.
('They are fascinating, just fascinating. I want to get away from our eternal dancing and music, and just sit down by myself and think about numbers.')
This was all very well for Shaw, for whom mathematics could symbolise intellectual enquiry beyond his reach.
But Alan had to think about mathematics at twenty-four, when he had by no means tired of the 'childish games'.
He did not divide his mind into rigidly separate compartments, once saying that he derived a sexual pleasure from mathematics.
Then with his new friend Venable Martin, he went to H.P. Robertson's lectures on relativity in the new year of 1937, and also went canoeing, perhaps in the stream that fed Carnegie Lake.
At one point he 'indirectly indicated' an 'interest in having a homosexual relation', but his friend made it clear that he was not interested.
Alan never broached the matter again and it did not affect their relationship in other ways.
The New Jersey poet would have understood.
But Alan did not see the America of Walt Whitman, only the land of sexual prohibition.
The country of Daddy and Mama had adopted homosexuality as a deeply Un-American activity, especially since the twentieth century clean-up had got under way.
At Princeton there was no one talking about a 'pretty normal bisexual male'.
Alan was lucky to be rebuffed by so tolerant a person as Venable Martin.