70多岁老人卡进站台 乘客推动地铁救人
日期:2017-05-17 23:09


Social media in China has been buzzing following the release of a video showing passengers coming together, along with staff, to help leverage a subway car off a woman's leg in Guangzhou.
The 72-year-old woman's leg became wedged in the gap between the carriage and the platform on subway line-6 in Guangzhou, May 6, 2017.

70多岁老人卡进站台 乘客推动地铁救人

Recognizing the problem, fellow passengers alerted subway staff, then banded together to push the subway car away from the platform to help free the woman's leg.
Even those not exiting the train at the time pitched in to help, reports the Beijing Youth Daily.
The video is being held up by many online as an example of "Guangzhou pride."
