Acne sucks. Yes, it's a harsh reality of life when you're in middle school, but when those zits follow you into adulthood? That's just freaking unfair, especially when virtually everything in the skin care aisle seems to burn the hell out of your skin without actually killing the acne, which is exactly what was happening to me. So, as a wellness-junkie who hates resorting to prescription treatments, I made it my mission to discover a natural solution that I wouldn't hate putting on my face. And after some deep internet searching and experimenting, I found my current go-to product for not just acne, but all skin issues: tea tree oil.
青春痘真的很讨人厌 。但现实就是这么残酷:上初中或是成年时期你依然会长青春痘 。现实就是这么不公,尤其是当你用了一切的护肤方法,皮肤都变差了之后,你的青春痘还在,这也正是发生在我身上的情况 。所以,作为讨厌使用处方药的健康爱好者,我发誓一定要找到天然的治青春痘方法,并将其涂抹于脸上 。经过一番深入的网络搜索和实验后,我发现目前使用的产品不仅能治疗青春痘,还能解决所有的肌肤问题:茶树油 。
OK, yes, you've most definitely heard of tea tree oil before, but I'm not talking about it in a granola-eating, eco-friendly way. I'm telling you this stuff really works - it totally cleared up my worst breakouts when no other product could - and it has the research to prove it. Studies show that tea tree oil is just as effective at treating acne as benzoyl peroxide (one of the most common acne-fighting ingredients), but with way fewer side effects, like burning, itching, peeling and irritation. Plus, it's all-natural, squeezed right from the leaves of a tree, so you know exactly what you're putting on your skin. "Tea tree oil may help kill some of the bacteria on the skin that cause inflammation and acne breakouts," says dermatologist Joshua Zeichner, M.D., director of cosmetic and clinical research at the dermatology department at Mount Sinai Medical Center. "It can be used as a spot treatment or as a full face treatment to both eliminate the pimples that you have and also help prevent new ones from popping up."
好吧,你之前肯定听说过茶树油,但我指的是用吃麦片的环保方式使用它 。说真的,这方法真的管用--茶树油真的治好了我可怕的青春痘,其它产品都没有这个功效--而且有研究可以证明这一点 。研究表明:在治疗青春痘方面,茶树油和过氧化苯甲酰(最为常见的治青春痘的成分之一)同样有效,但副作用却更少,比如灼烧感、瘙痒、脱皮和刺激 。此外,茶树油是纯天然的,是从树叶中挤出来的,所以你完全清楚涂到皮肤上的成分 。"茶树油可能会杀死皮肤上的一些细菌,这些细菌会引起炎症和青春痘,"纽约西奈山医院皮肤科化妆品和临床研究总监皮肤科医师约书亚·蔡克纳博士说道 。"茶树油既可以敷在已有的青春痘上,也可以敷在整张脸上,可消灭已有的青春痘,并同时预防爆痘 。"
Of course, that doesn't mean you want to douse your face in pure, 100 percent tea tree oil - this stuff is potent, so use the pure, concentrated stuff as a nightly spot-treatment only. And if your skin is super-sensitive or you have too many zits to spot-treat every night, try using a product with tea tree oil as its main ingredient, like a lotion or face mask. Yes, these magical products exist, and yes, I've rounded them up for you below. Regardless of the product you decide on, though, be prepared to fall in love with tea tree oil. It's pretty dreamy.
当然,这不是说你该把百分百纯的茶树油涂抹于脸上--这种东西十分强效,应该使用纯的、浓缩的茶树油,只在晚上涂抹于痘痘上 。如果你的皮肤特别敏感或是脸上的痘痘太多,那就使用主成分是茶树油的护肤品,比如柔肤水或面膜 。是的,这些神奇的产品当然存在,并且下面我还为你们整理好了 。不管你决定用什么样的产品,请准备好爱上茶树油吧!真的是你梦想中的祛痘神器!