1. Good Samaritans help rescue seven kids from a Central Park pond
1. 冰面开裂,好心人士奋力救出落水儿童
During an unseasonably warm day in February 2017, seven minors were rescued from a pond in Central Park after they suddenly plunged through the ice.
By the time FDNY arrived at the park, the kids, ranging in age from about ten into the teens, had been pulled out of the water by good Samaritans, Bennett Jonas and Ethan Turmbull.
The duo was skating nearby when they saw the kids dancing on top of the ice, then suddenly plunging into the water. Jonas dove in as Turmbull stood by to grab them. One boy was so far out in the water, Jonas wasn't sure he would be able to get to him (but he did).
EMS showed up and rendered first aid, though some of the kids were taken to local hospitals with minor, hypothermia-related injuries.
2. The man who defied weather warnings and had to be rescued from a Northern California jetty
2. 汽车搁浅,遛狗夫妇报警救出被困司机
An uninformed and unidentified man defied National Weather Service warnings about rough seas in Humboldt Bay near Eureka, California, and drove his truck out onto the North Jetty in January 2017. Almost immediately, the vehicle and driver became stranded. They were battered by powerful waves and a couple walking their dog nearby called 911. No one was hurt in the incident, but the Nissan truck remains stranded. To add insult to injury, the driver will most likely be charged for his rescue to the tune of an estimated $8,000 - $15,000.
3. The woman who helped rescue a cop from a vicious attack
3. 抓捕现场,女子当机立断勇救被袭警察
Baton Rouge, Louisiana resident and good Samaritan Vickie Williams-Tillman, 56, is being hailed as a hero after police say she saw an officer struggling with a suspect and jumped on the man's back to help the officer subdue him. Williams-Tillman was driving to the store one Sunday morning when she spotted Officer Billy Aime wrestling with the suspect. The suspect had grabbed Aime's baton and repeatedly bashed him on the head with it. Williams-Tillman took immediate action—she jumped on the man's back as police backup arrived and the suspect was apprehended after being shot with a stun gun. He now faces charges including aggravated battery, disarming a police officer, assault on a police officer, resisting arrest, and drug possession.
The BRPD hailed Williams-Tillman on its Facebook page, posting a message of thanks that went viral with over 7,000 likes and 2,100 shares.
4. The snowboarder who was saved by fellow thrill-seekers after being buried in the snow
4. 不慎落崖,滑雪者深埋雪底十分钟后获救
Snowboarder Mac Jacobson had to be rescued by fellow thrill-seekers after he was buried under a mountain of snow for 10 minutes. Jacobson, who's been a snowboarder for 12 years, was on the slopes at Squaw Valley in California when he fell from a 30ft cliff. He landed on his head, with his whole body under several feet of snow. His worried friend, Stephen Boyd, could only see his snowboard which was still attached to his feet. Boyd, armed with a GoPro, captured the moment he rushed towards Jacobson and dug him out.
5. Rescuers save a woman fused to her chair
5. 久坐不起,老人皮肤和座椅融为一体
Foster, 75, was found stuck to a chair in her front living room, surrounded by fecal matter and urine—her skin had merged with the furniture. She was so tightly molded into the chair that her bones started breaking, causing her immense pain as she was carried out of her home and transported to a local hospital.
A volunteer with Our Lady of Lourdes called 911 because Foster was not acting like herself. He also told police that she had not moved from her living room chair since July of last year and said he had gotten used to the home's foul odor.