日期:2017-05-11 10:43


Think about it this way. This was for a Mainland audience first and foremost. Her group/company is not going to risk the potential fallout since they're in the business of making money.Obviously putting PRC would be wrong. Putting ROC would be correct politically not viable. Putting Taiwan would be incorrect. Putting China is basically the compromise that allows enough ambiguity.
There really is no ambiguity in this at all. Nobody from Taiwan has their nationality as China unless they are actually from China. Added to the fact that she actually changed her Nationality from Taiwan to China on the social media site. No ambiguity at all everyone knows what China means and everyone knows what Taiwan means.
Everybody from the island of Taiwan has the nationality of 中?民?. There's no nation known by the name of 台?? in Chinese. You might have more of an argument if today this was on an English site but in common Chinese usage there's no nationality of Taiwan.If you want to blame somebody blame her management. They changed it because they didn't want to anger potential customers.
I understand what ROC is. I disagree with you that there is no nation known bu the name of 台? in Chinese its called 台?。Thats the same as saying theres no nation called Taiwan in English its called Republic of China. The status of the country does not change when you change languages just because you change to the Chinese language and China doesn't want Taiwan to be a country. And are you sure that you can't choose 台? as a Nationality or as a country field on weibo because I have seen many websites where you can.Besides do you actually believe that this is a 'compromise' and people are like "oh hang on she changed it to China and Taiwan is technically called Republic of China so maybe she means Republic of China yeah thats fine!"
我知道“中华民国”是什么意思。我不同意你所谓“没有国家叫做台湾”,在汉语里它就叫台湾。这就跟你说在英语里没有国家叫Taiwan一样,它叫Republic of China。这个国家的状态不会因为你换一种语言或者换成汉语称呼它以及中国不希望让台湾成为一个国家而发生改变。你确定在微博上不能选择台湾做国籍吗?因为我看到在很多网站上都有这个选项。另外,你真的认为这是个“妥协”,然后人们会想“哦等一等她把国籍改成中国了,台湾从技术上讲叫做中华民国所以她应该是在说中华民国没错这样是对的”?


Also how the hell is putting Taiwanese as your nationality "incorrect"? It seems you are not really aware of the situation very much. You do realise there are Taiwanese people? Taiwan wasn't just empty before some mainlanders migrated to Taiwan. You don't just wipe out a whole bunch of people because some politicians tell you that it doesnt TECHNICALLY exist.
You do realize that countries could be referred to as differently in different languages right? 中?民? is commonly referred to as Taiwan in English. But in Chinese calling it 台?? would be incorrect. When 台? is used it refers to the island of Taiwan which doesn't even encompass the entire territory under the administration of Republic of China.
I didn't say you can't change your nationality on Weibo. I said that most likely her management changed her nationality as to not risk backlashes from potential customers. They're ultimately the one who's compromising for profit.

  • statusn. 地位,身份,情形,状况
  • territoryn. 领土,版图,领域,范围
  • administrationn. 行政,管理,行政部门
  • ambiguityn. 含糊不清,模棱两可
  • blamen. 过失,责备 vt. 把 ... 归咎于,责备
  • potentialadj. 可能的,潜在的 n. 潜力,潜能 n. 电位,
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • socialadj. 社会的,社交的 n. 社交聚会
  • encompassvt. 围绕(包围,拥有,完成)
  • disagreev. 不一致,有分歧,不适应,不适宜