It would be an understatement to say that economic forecasts are a constant disappointment to investors. The trouble arises because the forecasters’ models are fundamentally flawed.
Many are over-reliant on extrapolations of the recent past, while the so-called New Keynesian models deployed by professional economists rarely pick up big economic shifts, such as the 1970s oil shock or the rapid rise of China.
Such shifts are inherently unpredictable. Yet there are some fundamental regime changes that ought to be predictable and which forecasters may now be overlooking. The most obvious, which will be hugely important for capital markets, relates to demography and the impending shrinkage of the global workforce.
The experience of the past 35 years has been one of labour oversupply arising from the postwar baby boom in the advanced economies and the incorporation of the emerging markets into the global economy. This has put downward pressure on wages. At the same time, excessive global saving, notably in Asia and northern Europe, has helped cause low or negative real interest rates.
Today the baby boomers are retiring, and there is nothing remotely comparable in the pipeline to the addition of China to the global trading system. And China itself is ageing rapidly at a relatively early stage in its development. So a negative labour shock is looming, which coincides with declining fertility. That is a recipe for a shift from disinflation back to inflation.
Ah, you say, but inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon, so the logic is surely flawed. Well, maybe. But in a paper for the Bank for International Settlements, the central bank for central banks, Mikael Juselius and El?d Takáts found a very strong link between trend inflation and the age structure of the population in 22 advanced economies between 1955 and 2014. The larger the proportion of young and old in the total population, the higher the inflation.
哦,你会说,但通胀在任何时候、任何地点都是一种货币现象,因此上述推断肯定有问题。或许如此吧。但在央行的央行——国际清算银行(Bank for International Settlements)发表的一份研究报告中,米卡埃尔?尤塞柳斯(Mikael Juselius)和埃卢德?陶卡奇(El?d Takáts)发现,从1955年至2014年期间,22个发达经济体的趋势通胀水平与人口的年龄结构存在非常密切的关联。总人口中非劳动人口所占比例越高,通胀就越高。
These effects were large enough to explain most trend inflation during the period. In the US, the baby boomers increased inflation by an estimated six percentage points between 1955 and 1975 and lowered it by five percentage points between 1975 and 1990, when they entered working life. Across the 22 countries in the sample, the age-structure effect explained about five percentage points of the reduction in the average rate of inflation from the late 1970s to the early 2000s.
Why central banks failed to respond appropriately is moot. What does seem likely in the light of the data is that economists and central bankers have exaggerated the role of expectations in forming inflation.
Given that we know, barring catastrophes, how many people will enter the labour market in 20 years’ time because they have already been born, it ought to be possible to forecast inflation on this basis. Mr Juselius and Mr Takáts have done that, reckoning that inflation will be about three percentage points higher on average in 40 years from 2016, due to ageing.
That, of course, leaves out the delicate question of timing. If the shift comes sooner rather than later, today’s bond market would see a nasty bust. It is also worth asking what could go wrong with such a forecast.
If baby boomers work longer than their parents, the picture could be very different. Yet so far people in the developed world are extending working lives very slowly. Robotics could provide competition for humans in the labour market, reducing the bargaining power of labour. I believe this scare story is overdone, though that is a story for another day.
More importantly, the record of forecasting on the basis of demography has not been impressive. Many in the 1980s forecast less-buoyant housing markets in the US and UK on the basis of a declining proportion of young people in the population. They were spectacularly wrong. The conventional wisdom in Japan in the 1980s was that ageing would be inflationary, which is not how it has worked so far.
For my money, the best case for suggesting a return to inflation is not demographics but debt. It is hard to see how the rise in developed-world public sector debt to astonishingly high levels since the financial crisis can be managed without informal default through inflation. A demographically induced rise in the general price level would provide a very convenient palliative for over-indebted governments.