1. He knows when to support you, and when to leave you alone. There are times when you need him there, and times when you just need him to get the eff out of the room so you can have some space. It's important that he reads the situation and knows the difference.
1. 他知道什么时候该支持你,什么时候该让你独自一人静静 。有时候你需要他在身边,但有时候你需要他离开房间,这样你才能拥有自己的空间 。他能审时度势并知道差别这一点是很重要的 。
2. He always knows the right thing to cheer you up. He knows when to crack a goofy joke to make you laugh, or when you need to hear positive reinforcement, or when you just need some Chipotle.
2. 他总有办法让你开心 。他知道什么时候说个蠢笑话能逗你开心,知道你什么时候想听积极的赞扬,也知道什么时候你只是想去墨西哥Chipotle餐厅 。
3. He never gets mad when you criticize him, because he understands what you're trying to say. You can say something negative without turning a conversation into an argument. If he's talking about friction with his boss at work, you can tell him he should probably start getting to work on time, and he won't go on the defensive. And he can do the same for you. There's a mutual respect and and understanding when it comes time to be honest about the things that bug you.
3. 当你批评他时他从不生气,因为他明白你想要说什么 。你可以说一些消极的话,不至于使你们的对话转变成争论 。如果他和你聊他在工作时和老板有摩擦,也许你可以告诉他他应该准时上班,那他就不会对你恶语相向 。同样,他也可以这样做 。在需要坦诚相待各自缺点的时候,互相尊重和理解是必要的 。
4. He doesn't try and change you. He loves you for you, and he understands that even your weirder quirks are what make you who you are. If you need that Instagram of your burgers before he's allowed to dig in, fine, he knows waiting the extra 6 minutes for you to get the perfect angle is how he shows his love. Sure, he might ask you to warn him next time there's a photoshoot so he can eat a snack first, but that's not the worst thing.
4. 他不会试着改变你 。他因为你而爱你,他也明白即使你最怪的怪癖也是你真实的一部分 。如果你需要在他吃汉堡前拍一张照片发朋友圈,那他明白要再等六分钟等你找到合适的拍照角度就是他爱你的方式 。当然,他可能会让你警告他,这样如果下一次你需要拍照,他就可以先吃点零食,但这也并不糟糕 。
5. He listens when you just need someone to listen. He knows when to just shut up and listen to you rant about work, or how you just can't afford to be a bridesmaid again and can't we just send them a toaster? Sometimes, you don't need to hear words of encouragement, and he can tell when you just want to vent.
5. 当你需要有人倾听时,他会听你倾诉 。他知道什么时候该闭嘴听你叨叨工作的事情,或是听你说你为什么不能再当伴娘了或是难道我们送个面包机还不行吗等等?有时候,你并不想听到鼓励的话语,他也知道你什么时候需要发泄 。
6. He supports you when you need backup. More importantly, he supports you no questions asked. You're pretty sure he'd punch out his own dad if you told him he messed with you (but of course, you'd never ask him to punch his own dad).
6. 当你需要后援时,他会支持你 。更为重要的是,他会毫无理由的支持你 。你知道,如果你告诉他他惹恼你了,他肯定会打自己头的(但当然,你可不想让他打自己的头) 。