There is some food and drink you can't find in certain countries, including some famous brands, because it's been banned. Read on to find out why.
某些国家是没有某些饮食的,包括一些知名品牌,因为被禁了 。继续阅读,找出原因吧 。
The US made the import of beluga caviar illegal after international producers failed to provide details of their plans to conserve the fish. The ban was imposed because the beluga fish is listed internationally as a species threatened with extinction. However, you can still get the high-end caviar in St. Petersburg, Russia.
在美国,进口白鲸鱼子酱是非法的,因为国际生产者未能提供他们储存白鲸的具体细节 。因为在国际上,白鲸被列为有灭绝危险可能性的品种,因此在美国被禁 。然而,在俄罗斯圣彼得堡,你仍然可以吃到高端的鱼子酱 。
Farmed salmon
Australia and New Zealand banned farmed salmon because it can be fed an unnatural diet of grains as well as antibiotics and other drugs. The diet makes their flesh turn a grayish color so they are then fed petrochemicals not approved for human consumption to turn them the pink hue of wild salmon.
澳大利亚和新西兰禁止养殖三文鱼,因为此类三文鱼可能被喂食非天然谷物、抗生素及其它药物 。这种饮食能让三文鱼的肉变成灰色,之后再给他们喂食石油化学产品(人类不能食用),这样它们的颜色就如野生三文鱼般粉嫩 。
Genetically engineered papaya
Some countries have partial or full bans on genetically-engineered foods because of the potential harmful effects they bring with them. In Europe genetically-engineered food must be labeled while genetically-engineered papaya is totally banned. The papayas are grown in Asian countries like Thailand as well as in Hawaii.
有些国家部分或全面禁止转基因食物,因为这些食物可能会带来害处 。在欧洲,转基因食物必须贴上标签,而转基因木瓜则完全被禁止 。木瓜产自泰国等亚洲国家及夏威夷 。
This traditional dish across India and the Horn of Africa has been banned in Somalia because it is considered too Christian. Somalia's Islamist al-Shabaab group believe the triangular shape of the fried dough filled with meat or vegetables is offensive and resembles the Holy Trinity.
咖喱角是印度和非洲之角的传统美食,但在索马里却被禁止食用,因为当地人认为这道菜太基督教了 。索马里的伊斯兰教青年党认为这一馅料为肉或蔬菜的油炸食品的三角形形状具有攻击性,代表着基督教的三位一体 。
Jelly sweets
Jelly sweets that contain a thickening agent called konjac are banned in the UK and rest of Europe. If the candy doesn't have konjac in them then they can be legally sold and traded. The main reason jelly sweets with konjac are banned is because they can be a choking hazard for young kids.
美国和欧洲其他国家禁止含有一种叫做魔芋的增稠剂的果冻软糖 。如果糖果不含魔芋,则可以合法出售交易 。含有魔芋的果冻软糖被禁的主要原因是因为它们可能会导致小孩子窒息 。
Arsenic fed chicken
Despite arsenic being a poison that leads to cancer, it horrifyingly is given to factory chickens. They're given it to make their meat more pink so it looks fresh much longer. Arsenic-fed chicken is banned in Europe but the Food and Drugs Administration allows it to be sold in the US.
尽管砷是导致癌症的毒药,但用砷喂养工厂里的鸡也令人毛骨悚然 。给鸡喂食砷能使鸡肉更粉嫩,使其看上去长久保鲜 。欧洲禁止砷喂鸡,但食品和药物管理局却允许在美国出售 。