Looking for a job is a job in and of itself. You have to search for the right gig, update your résumé, write some cover letters, and then go on interviews - all without any guarantees. So when you get that coveted offer, it seems inevitable that you'll accept. But how do you decline when it turns out the opportunity isn't quite right?
找工作这件事本身就是一份工作 。你必须搜索合适的工作,更新自己的简历,写一些求职信,然后去面试--而这一切都没有保证 。所以当你收到梦寐以求的工作机会时,接受这份工作似乎理所当然 。但当你发现这一工作机会并不适合你时,你又该如何拒绝呢?
Getting that far in the interview process likely means you have at least some fond feelings for the company you're about to turn down; you may even want to work for them at some point in the future. So, you need to make sure you decline graciously.
面试过程进入到最后几轮很可能说明你至少是有点喜欢这家你即将拒绝的公司的;甚至你可能想以后在这家公司工作 。所以,拒绝的时候一定要语气亲切 。
Santone suggests following up after you decline with a handwritten note that expresses your gratitude again, and extends an offer to stay in touch. "Then, you're expanding your network," she explains. "Just because you didn't take a job with them doesn't mean that you can't have a relationship."
圣托内建议在拒绝工作机会后,手写一封便签,再次表达自己的感激之情,然后注明希望能保持联系 。"这样你就扩大了自己的网络,"她解释道 。"你没有接受他们的工作邀请并不意味着你们之间不能建立友情 。"
"Part of the job-search process is, in fact, declining offers," says Mark Gasche, a career management leader at the loan-refinancing company at SoFi. The two main mistakes he says people make: leaving a voicemail that's brief, difficult to interpret, and leaves no room for dialogue; or writing an email that feels impolite and can be forwarded around. (You don't want your terse/awkward "no" to become a viral hit at the office.)
"事实上,找工作的过程之一就是拒绝工作机会,"索菲贷款再融资公司的职业管理负责人马克·加舍说道 。他说人们主要犯的两个错误就是:只给对方发送一条简短的、难以解读的语音留言,不留任何对话余地;或是写一封给人看上去不礼貌且可以转发的邮件 。(你可不想你那简洁/尴尬的拒绝变成红极办公室的网红吧 。)
People usually go with the route of least resistance out of fear of confrontation. Instead, the best thing to do is contact the person who has worked with you most during the process and ask if they have time to discuss where you are. That might not always be someone from HR, Gasche says. Call whoever it is on the phone and be honest, he suggests - but not too honest. For example, if your reason for saying "no" is that the manager you interviewed with rubbed you the wrong way and you'd really prefer not to report to them, you might want to keep that to yourself.
由于害怕对峙,人们通常会采取最温和的方式 。然而,最好的方式就是联系面试中和你联系最多的那个人,询问他们是否有时间探讨你的职位问题 。这个人并不一定总是人事,加舍说道 。他建议:打电话给任何在线工作人员,诚实的说清情况,但也不要太过诚实 。比如,你拒绝的原因是面试你的经理惹恼了你,你情愿不向他报到,那你最好还是把这些话憋在心里 。
"If there was something that you viewed as negative, I wouldn't go there. There's just no point," he says.
"如果你觉得有些事情很负面,那最好也不要说 。因为说了也没有意义,"他说道 。