In a video released last Tuesday, the pop star joined the Duke of Cambridge's Heads Together, a campaign he leads along with the Duchess and Prince Harry to raise awareness on mental illness.
在上周二发布的一段视频中,流行歌手Lady Gaga加入了剑桥公爵夫妇和哈里王子发起的Heads Together(一个关爱精神疾病的慈善活动),以提高人们对精神疾病的认识。
The stigmas or just plain fear, they said, stops many from opening up about their feelings.
"There's a lot of shame attached to mental illness. You feel like something it's wrong with you," Lady Gaga said from her kitchen in Los Angeles.
Lady Gaga在她洛杉矶家中的厨房中说:“精神病患者会背负很多耻辱,总会觉得自己好像有问题。”
The video, posted on the Royal Family's Facebook page, is the newest film in the #oktosay series, which shows people from all walks of life discussing their own mental health challenges.
After sipping a cup of coffee, Lady Gaga, 31, talked about her own struggle living with post traumatic stress disorder.
在喝了一杯咖啡之后,31岁的Lady Gaga谈到了她自己与创伤性应激障碍症的斗争。
"I should be so happy, but you can't help it when in the morning you wake up, you are so tired, you are so sad, you are so full of anxiety and the shakes that you can't barely think," she told 34-year-old Prince William.
From his study in Kensington Palace, the prince emphasized how important it can be for someone to speak up.
"It's time that everyone's(sic)speaks up," he told Lady Gaga. "Just having a conversation with a friend or family member can make such a difference."
他对Lady Gaga说:“到了每个人都畅所欲言的时候了,和朋友家人谈谈可以让坏情况得到很大改善。”
The pair said they want to continue working together and focus on the youth. They made plans to have an October meeting in the UK.