Congressional leaders are scrambling to strike a deal to keep the US government funded beyond the end of the week as Donald Trump’s demands for money towards a Mexican border wall complicate bipartisan budget talks.
美国国会领导人正忙于争取达成协议,以保持美国政府不会在本周结束之后因资金紧张停摆。唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)对于在美国与墨西哥边境建造隔离墙的资金要求,使两党的预算谈判变得复杂化。
Lawmakers returned to Washington after a recess yesterday facing the risk of a federal government shutdown from Friday — day 99 of Mr Trump’s presidency — that would force hundreds of thousands of government employees to stay at home and halt a host of services.
While senior Republicans were anxious to avoid a temporary closure, Mr Trump’s tweeted demands for money towards his planned border wall — a non-starter for Democrats — have injected volatility into the fiscal debate.
“The Wall is a very important tool in stopping drugs from pouring into our country and poisoning our youth,” Mr Trump wrote on Twitter yesterday. “If the wall is not built, which it will be, the drug situation will NEVER be fixed the way it should be!”
To critics, the pattern of policy uncertainty generated by White House brinkmanship is familiar; last week Mr Trump suddenly announced he would unveil tax proposals tomorrow, even though his team has not settled on detailed plans. The president has also wavered on whether to seek healthcare legislation before tax reform.
Stan Collender, a federal budget expert and former congressional staffer, said: “It’s the biggest failure of the first 100 days: that the Trump White House has been completely unable to establish a working relationship with Congress.”
曾担任国会工作人员的联邦预算专家斯坦?科伦德(Stan Collender)表示:“这是(特朗普任期)最初100天最大的失败;特朗普白宫完全无法与国会建立工作关系。”
One Republican Senate aide said there was a good chance of Congress agreeing to a one-week extension of funding to give talks more time. While an explicit package for the wall with Mexico is unlikely, there could be room for a broader measure in support of border security, the aide said. “There may be a way for everyone to save face.”
Republicans are unlikely to push talks to an outright shutdown given the anger it would trigger in the electorate. But to avoid one they need to settle a number of outstanding issues. The White House has made a priority of two demands where Democrats have drawn red lines: the border wall funding and latitude to deny federal grants to so-called sanctuary cities, which seek to shield unauthorised immigrants from deportation. It also wants a defence spending boost.