1. Garlic
1. 大蒜
Garlic's strong smells don't just immediately impact your mouth; it can make your bad breath linger. It's high in sulfur, which can also enter your bloodstream after eating, and exit through your lungs, which is why some people feel like they taste garlic for days after eating it.
大蒜的强烈气味不会立即产生影响,但却会使难闻的气味在口中流连 。大蒜硫含量高,吃完后硫元素也可能进入血液,并通过肺部排出,因此在吃完大蒜后,有些人连续好几天都觉得自己充斥着大蒜味儿 。
2. Onions
2. 洋葱
Yep, it's another vegetable that's notorious for causing stinky breath. Onions also contain high sulfurous compounds that can give you bad breath for days, similar to garlic. "When these sulfurous compounds enter your blood system, you can get a double whammy of bad breath coming from your mouth and lungs," Napoli says.
是的,由于这一蔬菜会造成口臭,因此"臭名昭著" 。洋葱的含硫化合物成分高,能让你持续几天都闻起来臭臭的,这一点和大蒜算是异曲同工了 。"当这些含硫化合物进入你的血液系统,你的嘴巴和肺都会受到臭味的强烈冲击,"那不勒斯说道 。
3. Coffee
3. 咖啡
As life-changing as coffee may be, chugging it before a big interview or meeting is a major no-no. Coffee has a powerful smell that sits in the mouth, says Napoli. So skip the cup of joe and opt for green tea instead.
虽然咖啡会改变你的生活,但在重大面试或会议前喝杯咖啡却是踩了雷区 。咖啡的强烈气味会残留在口中,那不勒斯说道 。所以,不要喝咖啡了,您可以选择喝绿茶代替 。
4. Alcohol
4. 酒
Alcohol is a diuretic, which can dehydrate your body. Meanwhile, it decreases your levels of saliva, leaving your mouth the perfect environment for bad bacteria to hang. However, vodka has properties similar to mouthwash that can kill bacteria.
酒精是利尿剂,能使身体脱水 。同时,它会降低人体的唾液水平,从而使嘴巴成为不良细菌滋生的完美环境 。但是,伏特加和漱口水有相似的功能,能够杀死细菌 。
5. Sugar
5. 糖
Better hold off on that Trident. According to Napoli, sugar is a really easy fuel source for bacteria, causing it to multiply (and stink up your mouth). So, unless those mints or gum say "sugar-free" on the label, they're not going to keep your breath smooch-ready.
最好不要拿清至口香糖了 。那不勒斯说,糖特别容易助长细菌的繁殖(造成口臭) 。所以,除非这些薄荷糖或口香糖标签上注明了"不含糖",否则它们会引起口臭 。
6. Cheese
6. 奶酪
It turns out that wine and cheese aren't as sexy as they sound. Dairy products are packed with sugar-and when you eat a lot of sugar-filled dairy products, that can cause a lot of unwanted odors in the mouth. Love cheese but have been meaning to cut back on dairy?
事实证明,红酒奶酪并不如它们的名字那般性感撩人 。奶制品富含糖分--当你吃大量含糖奶制品时,会使口中产生难闻的气味 。很爱吃奶酪?但也要减少乳制品摄入哦!
7. Canned Fish
7. 罐装鱼
Any fish that comes out of a can is going to carry a stench. And when you lunch on tuna, that smell isn't going to disappear. When fish gets tinned, it begins to oxidize, which is why they have a scent. This smell clings to your mouth, giving your breath an unpleasant fishy odor. Ew.
任何罐装鱼都有臭味 。当你午饭吃金枪鱼时,那个味道是不会散的 。当装在镀锡罐头中时,鱼就开始氧化,因此有臭味 。这种味道会残留在你的口中,让你闻起来有一种令人不爽的鱼腥味儿 。真恶心!