Wouldn't it be cool to live with a health and nutrition expert? My ex-roomie sure thinks so. Determined not to gain weight even though it's sweater season, she still asks me every fall which rapid weight loss foods she should make for dinner. And lunch. And breakfast.
能和健康营养专家一起生活岂不快哉?我之前的那位舍友就是这么想的 。尽管是在穿毛衣的季节,她也下定决心不再增重,她甚至还问我每年秋天吃什么晚饭能最快减肥 。当然还有午饭和早饭 。
Fortunately for her, there are many crisp-weather foods to enjoy once the leaves turn-and each one blasts fat with the perfect combination of fibre, protein and heart-healthy nutrients. These RD-approved picks will help you lose weight fast this fall season.
幸运的是,每当树叶变黄,有很多清爽食物供她选择--且每一道菜都完美的结合了纤维、蛋白质和有利于心脏健康的营养成分,同时还能燃烧脂肪 。今秋,这些经过注册营养师认证的食物将帮你快速减肥!
1. Green Tea
1. 绿茶
"Just as the cool weather is coming, if you can drink 4-5 cups a day you may actually not only warm up but speed up your metabolism and even burn more calories (and fat, including belly fat!) in your sleep, thanks to its polyphenol called epigallocatechin-3-gallate, or EGCG," explain The Nutrition Twins, Lyssie Lakatos, RDN, and Tammy Lakatos Shames, RDN, and authors of The Nutrition Twins' Veggie Cure. "It also contains the amino acid theanine that brings on a mental alertness and calmness that helps you to make rational decisions, so you can turn down fatty, caloric foods that you'd normally eat due to stress."
"凉爽的季节即将来临,如果你每天喝4至5杯绿茶,那不仅会暖和你的身体,而且还能加快你的新陈代谢,甚至在你熟睡时,能燃烧更多的卡路里(和脂肪,包括腹部脂肪!),这是由于绿茶含有一种叫做表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯(EGCG)的多酚,"营养双胞胎的注册营养师Lyssie Lakatos和Tammy Lakatos Shames说道,她们还是《双胞胎素食疗法》(The Nutrition Twins' Veggie Cure)的作者 。"绿茶还含有氨基酸茶氨酸,能引起大脑的警觉和平静,有助于人们做出理智决定,因此您能减少摄入脂肪高热量高的食物,这些都是平常倍感压力时的吃食 。"
2. Dried Plums
2. 干梅
Summer may be all about those fresh fruits, but autumn is a great time to incorporate dried fruits into your diet. "Dried plums are one of the best natural constipation remedies. A serving of four to five dried plums packs three full grams of fibre," shares Rebecca Scritchfield, RDN, author of the upcoming book, Body Kindness. "About half of that is insoluble, which helps speed food through the digestive tract. The other half is slow-moving soluble fibre good for enhancing satiety, lowering cholesterol and regulating blood-sugar levels. They both add up to a very healthy gut."
夏天可能都在吃这些新鲜的水果,但秋天却适合吃些干果 。"干梅是最好的天然治疗便秘的方法之一 。一份四到五个的干梅就含有3克纤维 。"注册营养师丽贝卡·斯克里奇菲尔德分享道,她还是即将出版的Body Kindness一书的作者 。"干梅大约有一半纤维都是不溶的,能帮助加快食物通过消化道 。另一半纤维是缓慢移动可溶解的纤维,有助于增强饱腹感、降低胆固醇水平,并调节血糖 。这些纤维都能促进肠道健康 。"
3. Kiwi
"They may be small, but these sweet-tasting fruits contain a hefty amount of actinidin, a natural enzyme unique to kiwifruit that aids in digestion by breaking down protein in the body. Kiwifruit also contains prebiotic fibre, which primes the gut for healthy digestion," says Scritchfield. "Research indicates that a daily serving of green kiwifruit helps increase bowel movements."
"猕猴桃虽小,但这些又甜又好吃的水果含有大量的肌动蛋白,这是一种只有猕猴桃才有的天然酶,通过分解体内的蛋白质,能有助于消化 。猕猴桃还含有益生元纤维,有助于肠道健康、促进消化,"斯克里奇菲尔德说道 。"研究表明,每天吃一份猕猴桃有助于增加肠道蠕动 。"