When it comes to autism, early intervention is key.
提及自闭症,早期预防是关键 。
Services and resources for children of autism are more widely available than ever. But most experts agree accessing those services as early as possible is key to supporting families and kids who were born not neurologically typical. But the only way to know if your child is on the spectrum is to have them tested. So what would make a parent suspect their child might need to be tested? Here are some of the common signs:
有关自闭症儿童的服务以及资源比以往任何时候都要广泛 。但大多数专家都同意:尽早的接触这些服务是支持生来并非神经学典范的家人及小孩的关键 。但知道自己的小孩是否患有自闭症的唯一方法就是让他们接受检查 。所以什么迹象会让家长怀疑他们的宝宝可能需要接受检查呢?以下是自闭症的一些常见迹象:
While not a guarantee a child has autism, kids who can't make eye contact when spoken to or smiled at are often on the spectrum.
虽然并不能肯定这个孩子患有自闭症,但当你和这个孩子说话或冲他微笑时,如果他和你没有眼神交流,那他十有八九患有自闭症 。
Does Not Respond To Own Name
Kids who have autism often don't respond to their own name or to the sound of a familiar voice. Does yours?
患有自闭症的孩子往往对自己的名字及熟悉的人的声音没有反应 。你的孩子是不是这样呢?
Follows Objects Or Visual Gestures
While every child develops at their own pace, kids who fall on the autism spectrum often don't develop the skill to follow object with their eyes or follow visual cues such as a toy held by mom or a hand waved by dad.
虽然每个孩子都有自己的成长步伐,但患有自闭症的孩子往往不会发展这类技巧:母亲手拿玩具时,孩子的眼睛会跟着玩具的移动而移动;或是父亲挥手时,他/她会盯着父亲的手 。
Communicate With Gestures
Parents of kids who fall on the spectrum often notice that their child lacks the ability to communicate with visual cues, such as waving goodbye or pointing at an object.
若孩子患有自闭症,父母们往往会注意到他们的孩子缺乏与视觉提示进行交流的能力,比如挥手道别或是指向某个物体 。
Your Child Doesn't Make Noise To Get Your Attention
Most parents will say silence is golden when it comes to raising kids, but parents of kids on the spectrum would say just the opposite. Autistic babies and toddlers often don't make noise to get Mom or Dad's attention.
在抚养孩子方面,大多数父母都会说沉默是金,但患有自闭症的孩子的父母却不会这么认为 。患有自闭症的孩子通常不会制造噪音来引起母亲或父亲的注意 。
Doesn't Initiate Or Respond To Touch
Most little ones love to be cuddled and held, but autistic kids often don't respond to touch and don't initiate it either.
大多数小宝宝都喜欢抱抱,但患有自闭症的孩子往往不会主动碰别人,也不会对别人的触碰做出反应 。
Unable To Imitate Facial Expressions
Most little ones will imitate facial expressions of grown ups, but kids with autism don't.
大多数小宝宝都会模仿大人的表情,但患有自闭症的孩子却不会这么做 。
Never Progresses Parallel Play
While parallel play, where kids play in the same space but alone, is common and developmentally appropriate for young kids, autistic kids almost always play alone-even when they are with other kids.
在平行游戏中,孩子们会在同样的空间单独游戏,这是一种常见的、有利于孩子发展的游戏,但患有自闭症的孩子本来就总是独自玩耍--即使是和其他小朋友在一起的时候 。