Something to ease the pain?
Hangovers are never nice, and most of us have suffered from one in our lives. Have a look at the food and drink people around the world use to ease their pain the morning after. You might find a new favourite cure…
宿醉的感觉真的很糟糕,而大多数人一生都会经历一次 。那世界各地的人们又是如何用饮食疗法在第二天早晨缓解疼痛的呢?也许你会找到你最爱的疗法哦……
A hearty meat soup is the method of choice in Austria, but it isn't for the morning after. To prevent the alcohol soaking even further into your blood stream, Austrians grab a big bowl of goulash soup before heading to bed. Veal goulash is particularly popular.
丰盛的肉汤是奥地利人缓解宿醉的方法,但并不是在宿醉的第二天早晨喝的 。为避免酒精进一步渗入到你的血液中,奥地利人会在上床睡觉前喝一大碗炖汤 。炖牛肉汤尤为受欢迎 。
The Aussie hangover cure of choice is Berocca, an over-the-counter tablet packed with nutrition that gives you a large dose of vitamins B and C. Simply drop a tablet into water and wait for it to dissolve then get it down you as quickly as you can. You can even follow with a slice of Vegemite-covered toast.
澳大利亚人缓解宿醉症状的选择就是服用维生素B1制剂,这是富含营养的非处方药片,能给身体提供大量的维生素B和C 。只要在水里放一片,等其溶解,之后以尽快的速度喝下就行了 。喝完之后,你甚至可以吃一片涂上咸味酱的吐司 。
A 'hair of the dog' treat coming up for you now. After a heavy night of boozing in Belize, why not wake up to some more of the night before and drink a Belizean Michelada? This temptress is basically a beer-infused Bloody Mary. But if you'd like to make your own, all you need is Belikin beer, lemon, salt, tobacco, soy/Worcestershire sauce and tomato/Clamato juice. And there you have it.
干了这根"狗狗的毛发"吧 。在伯利兹喝大了之后,为什么不在醒来后再喝点伯利兹米谢拉达鸡尾酒(Belizean Michelada)呢?这一诱惑人的酒饮基本上就是装了啤酒的血腥玛丽 。但如果你想自己制作一杯,那你只需要这些材料:Belikin啤酒、柠檬、盐、烟草、大豆/伍斯特沙司和番茄/番茄蛤蜊汁 。一杯伯利兹米谢拉达鸡尾酒就制成啦!
If food is loved enough to be the nation's dish, said dish will more than likely be a popular hangover cure. And so it proves with Canadian dish poutine. The mix of French fries and cheese curds topped with a light brown gravy will more than likely slow down the absorption of alcohol into your system and satisfy your carb cravings.
如果一种食物在一个国家十分受喜爱而成为该国国菜,那如果上述菜品还能缓解宿醉,那它就会更受欢迎了 。加拿大的肉汁奶酪薯条就是一个例子 。将炸薯条和奶酪凝乳混合在一起,再浇上浅棕色肉汁,这会更有可能减缓身体吸收酒精的进程,同时还能满足你对碳水化合物的渴望 。
Now green tea isn't just for the fitness fanatics out there, it's a tried and tested hangover cure in China which has been used for over 4,000 years - so who are we to disagree? We aren't saying that one cup will do the trick but drinking it throughout the day couldn't hurt. To get your perfect cup, let the water cool slightly after boiling before pouring and leave to brew for about two minutes. Enjoy your cup of green goodness!
现在,绿茶不仅仅是为健身狂热者准备的,而且还是一种经过尝试和测验的缓解宿醉的良方,在中国这一古方已被使用了4000多年--所以我们又有什么资格不同意呢?我们不是说一杯绿茶就能奇迹般的缓解宿醉疼痛,但从早喝到晚也并无大碍 。拿出自己完美的杯子,水煮沸后稍微冷却一会儿,然后倒入茶杯中,让茶叶煮个两分钟左右 。好好享受美味的绿茶吧!