Despite what many believe, extroverts are not the only office rock stars.
While extroverts may be social butterflies and action-oriented, it is the quiet and nurturing introverts that are the most productive and are just as valuable to an organization.
"Compared to extroverts, introverts are less distracted by immediate rewards. They are also content to work on projects that require long stretches of solitude. For these reasons, introverts seem better able to resist distractions and carry out long-range plans," said Laurie Helgoe, clinical psychologist and professor at the West Virginia University School of Medicine.
In addition, recent evidence reveals that introverts are better than extroverts at leading proactive employees, said Helgoe.
It seems that introverts are better at supporting and channeling the initiative and creativity of employees, while extroverts lead better when employees are more passive, according to Helgoe.
'Introverts are generally more comfortable expressing their thoughts in writing, and writing is a great vehicle for showcasing accomplishments,' said Helgoe.