Strange things were afoot in July as teenagers congregated in churchyards. Cars crashed as drivers stared at their smartphones. And Clash Royale — among the highest grossing games apps since its launch last March — suddenly dropped out of the top 10. One cause of all these events was the launch of Pokémon Go — the mixed-reality mobile game that superimposed animated characters on to the real world for gamers to chase around cities and along roads, and had 50m players at its peak. It also caused an almighty pain for Ilkka Paananen, the 37-year-old co-founder and chief executive of Supercell, the Finnish gaming studio behind Clash Royale and Clash of Clans. Pokémon Go’s success “was a kick in our butt”, he says.
去年7月发生了一些奇怪的事情:青少年们在教堂墓地聚集;司机们盯着自己的智能手机,导致撞车事故。《部落冲突:皇室战争》(Clash Royale)自去年3月发行以来跻身于最盈利游戏APP之列,那时却突然掉出了前十名。所有这些事件的一个原因是《口袋妖怪GO》(Pokémon GO,又译“精灵宝可梦GO”)的发行——这是一款“混合现实”手机游戏,将动画角色叠加至现实世界,让玩家在市内各地和沿着道路到处搜索,最高峰时有5000万玩家。它也给37岁的Supercell联合创始人和首席执行官伊卡?帕纳宁(Ilkka Paananen)带来巨大痛苦,这家芬兰游戏工作室发行了《部落冲突:皇室战争》和《部落战争》(Clash of Clans)。帕纳宁说,《口袋妖怪GO》的成功“是对我们的重大打击”。
More than 100m people still play Supercell games daily, and it remains the world’s biggest mobile video game publisher by revenues. Its success is the stuff of legend — many games studios have proven one-hit wonders; Supercell has had four. In 2012, it released its first two games, Hay Day and Clash of Clans, both of which went on to generate more than $2m a day within a year, through its “freemium” model, which allows anyone to play for free, but requires in-app payments to advance through the levels. But in July, Clash Royale raked in an estimated $62m, roughly half of what it was making in April, according to SuperData Research. Pokémon Go was not the only problem either. Supercell had no games in the top 10 last summer.
每天仍有逾1亿人在玩Supercell的游戏,按收入计算,该公司依然是全球最大的移动视频游戏发行商。它的成功是一个传奇故事——许多游戏工作室只有一款成功游戏,而Supercell有4款成功作品。2012年,该公司发行了最初两款游戏《卡通农场》(Hay Day)和《部落战争》,这两款游戏均在一年内实现了每日逾200万美元的收入。它采用“免费+收费”模式:让任何人免费玩,但需要在应用内付费才能升级。但SuperData Research的数据显示,去年7月,据估计《部落冲突:皇室战争》带来6200万美元的收入,大约是4月收入的一半。《口袋妖怪GO》也不是唯一的问题。去年夏季Supercell没有一款游戏进入前十名。
Mr Paananen got a lot out of the experience — particularly new knowledge about how to fight business threats. His main realisation was that “we weren’t good at listening to our users”, he says. So after Supercell fell out of the top 10, the studio mobilised, thrashing out user feedback in troubleshooting meetings.
Users had been complaining for weeks about specific features of Clash Royale, such as a smiling emoji that was sent to the game’s loser at the end of play. Users also felt the game merited further updates. So Mr Paananen’s team brainstormed ways to keep their games fresh, add features and incorporate player requests. The company is all the better for the experience, he says. “The true test of a company’s culture is when things aren’t going well, so this is what we were built for.”
Both Clash games are now back among the top 10 grossing games on Apple’s app store, partly because fickle mobile gamers have looked for a new challenge after the Pokémon craze.
But for Mr Paananen the challenges have not stopped. For the financial year 2016, revenue growth at privately owned Supercell flatlined, which analysts have blamed on an increasingly competitive and crowded mobile games sector.
This is all happening at a pivotal moment in Supercell’s history. Just a month before Pokémon’s launch, Chinese internet group Tencent acquired majority ownership of the group for $8.6bn. The seller was SoftBank, the acquisitive Japanese technology group that was selling assets after its debt tripled.
Perhaps because of the luxury of private ownership, Mr Paananen talks about a focus on the longer term rather than short-term financial challenges.
“We are well aware we will have our ups and downs — after all, this is a creative business,” he says with a shrug. “Have you ever seen a band whose songs are number one for more than five years in a row?
“We don’t set any quarterly goals, even yearly goals feel too short-term for us,” he says.
Supercell’s games are notable for their depth of storytelling. Clash of Clans involves building a goblin army and fortifying a medieval village to fight off enemy clans, including moustached barbarians and wizards, against players around the world. The in-app currency is precious gems.
The writers of television series Futurama and The Simpsons have even created an animated YouTube series called ‘Clash-a-rama’, based on its rich characters and plot lines.
《飞出个未来》(Futurama)和《辛普森一家》(The Simpsons)的编剧们在这两款游戏的丰富角色和情节的基础上,创作了在YouTube上播放的动画系列片《Clash-a-rama》。
Another thing keeping Mr Paananen confident is his company’s history of innovation, fostered by what he sees as a culture of true democracy.
Supercell, which employs just 224 staff, is structured as a collection of dozens of “cells” of game developers, each of which operates as its own team. Each cell, made up of roughly seven people, comes up with its own ideas for games, builds prototypes, and tests them. If the team like a game, it is put to the whole company for scrutiny. If the group agrees they like it, the game is played by employees as a further test.
Despite Mr Paananen’s 6 per cent stake in the $10bn company making him a multimillionaire on paper, he lives ordinarily. His social life includes attending monthly gaming conventions in local pubs and playing in his twice-weekly early-morning ice hockey games.
Mr Paananen, who grew up in the town of Piikki?, two hours west of Helsinki, and whose parents were teachers, traces his leadership of Supercell back to a gaming obsession as a child, rather than an ambition to be a rich founder.
His management style is explained through the language of sport. “The best sports teams get a lot of strong and talented personalities to play together really well. It is super competitive, like the start-up world, and the element of luck is key to both,” he says.
“I used to think the winning team was the one with well thought-out plans and everything beautifully organised, and split into boxes, and timelines and budgets, but that’s not how creativity works.”
He is also undeterred by product failures, which he embraces as steps on the route to success. When Supercell kills a game idea, he often pops open some champagne to share with his staff. “[This culture], it’s really the thing that keeps people together at the worst times,” he says.