1.How flashy your resume is
Having a flashy resume is less important than having one that's easy for employers to read. Even in creative fields, 78% of executives said they preferred traditional resumes.
2.How clever your cover letter is
Although ditching the stale cover letter jargon is a good thing, your cover letter doesn't need to break new creative ground, either. Use your cover letter to show why you're a great fit for the position, be professional, and be concise.
3.Your GPA
In a 2016 survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, having a high GPA only moderately influenced a company's decision to hire a new grad. More important was your major and whether you had leadership experience.
4.Your summer jobs
Lying on your resume is a bad idea, but that doesn't mean you have to include details of every job you've ever had. Leaving off short-term gigs, jobs that aren't relevant to the position to which you're applying, and the part-time job you had in college is perfectly fine.
5.Where you went to college
When it comes to higher education, what you studied is more important than where you earned your degree, the survey found.
6.Whether you studied abroad
Having studied abroad had hardly any influence on an employer's decision to offer a recent grad a job, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers survey. In fact, it mattered less than any other factor.
7.Minor interview mistakes
Even the most prepared job seekers occasionally make interview mistakes. Although interview blunders may be embarrassing, candidates who can quickly recover might actually turn an awkward moment into a time to shine.
8.If your resume is 2 pages
It's true people in the early stages of their career should probably keep their resume to one page, if possible. But as you gain experience and pile up accomplishments, you might need an extra page to fit it all in. That's OK. Just remember to keep your resume focused.
9.Whether your cover letter is addressed to a specific person
Obviously, if a name is mentioned in the job advertisement, use it. But if it's not immediately obvious who will be reading your letter, the generic approach is acceptable.
10.How you send your thank-you note
Sending a thank-you note is important, but whether you send an old-fashioned handwritten note or a quick email doesn't matter as much. With so many candidates not bothering with notes as all, any kind of thank you will make you stand out.