日期:2017-04-11 10:14


Food experts from 10 cities have identified the strangest - yet still delicious - dishes for daring foodies to sample on their travels.
Locusts and mealworms at Le Festin Nu, Paris
巴黎Le Festin Nu餐厅 蝗虫和米虫
Consumed for decades in Africa and Asia, these critters are prized for their nutritional values, being especially high in protein and low in fat.
The crispy shell is said to taste like a little piece of salty croissant that's been grilled, and the flavours that emerge from them are similar to those of a peanut.
Rattlesnake sausage at Wurstküche, Los Angeles
洛杉矶Wurstküche餐厅 响尾蛇香肠
Wurstküche offers a classic sausage such as a traditional Polish-style kielbasa, while the brave may want to try what looks like a perfectly normal hot dog but is actually made with rabbit and rattlesnake.
Blood sausage 'sundae' at Dongwonjip, Seoul
首尔Dongwonjip餐厅 血肠糕
A 'sundae' at Dongwonjip, is a somewhat misleading name given it doesn't feature anything creamy and sweet with strawberries.
Instead the lumpy treat is actually blood sausage stuffed with noodles.
Meanwhile, the sundaeguk (sundae stew), a simple dish made with pig's head and small intestines is described a good hangover cure by Time Out.
这种“血糕”是一道用猪头肉和猪小肠制作的小菜,据Time Out网站称,这是一道解酒好菜。
Raindrop cake at Smogasborg, New York
纽约Smogasborg餐厅 雨滴蛋糕
In New York, the latest social media food trend is the Japanese dessert known as mizu shingen mochi which looks exactly like a giant drop of water.
The sweet treat is made with water just solidified with agar (a vegetable gelatine) and served over brown sugar syrup and kinako (roasted soy flour).
The orb-like cakes can be sliced like any soft jelly but will melt if left out for too long.
Tapioca marshmallows, Chicama, London
伦敦Chicama餐厅 木薯粉棉花糖
Unlike the usual bonfire treat, Chicama's 'tapioca marshmallows' are chewy pieces of cooked-down tapioca - a starch made from the root of the cassava plant.
The result looks like marshmallows but the Parmesan adds a crispy cheesiness.
Go fishing at Zauo, Tokyo
东京 Zauo钓鱼餐厅
At Zauo, a restaurant chain in Tokyo, you can catch your own dinner - just don't arrive hungry.
Diners are greeted by a giant, boat-shaped seating area surrounded by a moat teeming with all kinds of fish.
Once guests are seated, they're handed a fishing rod and some bait, and are free to 'go fishing'.
Visitors are unable to throw the fish back though - once caught it must be eaten - and the only seasonings are salt and lemon, to ensure that the fish's natural flavour is always prominent.
Pigs' tails at Pigmeu, Lisbon
里斯本Pigmeu餐厅 猪尾巴
At Pigmeu - which, as the name suggests, focuses on pigs - the chefs devote themselves to making the most of the whole animal: loin, shoulder, leg, belly and everything in between.
Particularly recommended are pezinhos à coentrada (pig's trotters with coriander), salada de orelha (pig's ear salad) or rabinhos de porco molho agridoce (pigs' tails with sweet and sour sauce).
Marie Antoinette's head at Barton G, Miami
迈阿密Barton餐厅 绝代艳后
Owned by Barton G Weiss, an A-list caterer, this unique restaurant serves American cuisine with a twist.
The pudding pièce-de-résistance is 'Marie Antoinette's head' - a cake homage to the last Queen of France that even includes a cotton candy powdered pompadour wig.


Jibarito sandwich at El Nuevo Borinquen, Chicago
芝加哥El Nuevo Borinquen餐厅 Jibarito三明治
Instead of nestling in between two slices of bread, the jibarito arrives between juicy plantains, a member of the banana family.
Stinky tofu at Hong Kong's street food markets
香港街头市场 臭豆腐
The Hong Kong street food delicacy is soaked and left to rot in a brine of milk, vegetables and meat for days, weeks or even months.
The tofu is then deep fried and dished up with a sweet and spicy sauce.
The result is crispy on the outside, a creamy centre and has a pungent smell - but it's surprisingly popular with many foodies.
