日期:2017-04-03 19:06


A professor at China's Zhejiang University recently became an internet sensation after broadcasting his lectures online.
The professor has turned calculus, considered an exceptionally difficult course among students, into a popular class.
The professor, Su Dekuang, is one of the most admired professors at Zhejiang University. His humorous teaching style has earned him love and respect from students throughout his 30-year career.
This semester, Su began broadcasting his lectures online, and each lesson has been watched by thousands of people. The most popular session was viewed more than 20,000 times.


The internet has a major influence on students nowadays, Su explained, adding that cyberspace offers a perfect environment for learning. He believes more university professors should utilize the internet to keep students interested in their studies.
Su has also created an account on Sina Weibo, intended as a platform to help students solve particularly challenging problems.
So far he has attracted nearly 80,000 followers. Su also shares his lectures by uploading the videos on his Weibo home page.
"Online courses are free from space restrictions, and the videos can also be replayed, which helps students who are struggling to catch up," Su said, joking that students can even "attend" class while lying in bed.
These days, Su's students are not only from Zhejiang University, but from all over the country, covering a wide span of ages. The professor says his next plan is to publicly broadcast all his higher mathematics courses.

  • popularadj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的
  • challengingadj. 大胆的(复杂的,有前途的,挑战的) n. 复杂
  • platformn. 平台,站台,月台,讲台,(政党的)政纲
  • coveringn. 覆盖物,遮避物 adj. 掩护的,掩盖的
  • intendedadj. 故意的,有意的;打算中的 n. 已订婚者 v.
  • calculusn. 微积分
  • exceptionallyadv. 例外地,格外地,特别地
  • environmentn. 环境,外界
  • solvev. 解决,解答
  • sensationn. 感觉,感知力,激动,轰动