Hey, men of the world, want to have a happy marriage? You know the old adage: "happy wife, happy life." So why not consider some of these easy ways to be a more proactive partner? Of course, there are two people in a relationship, so women should certainly not feel shy about asking for these things, either.
嘿,男同胞们,你们想要婚姻幸福吗?老话说:"幸福的妻子,幸福的生活 。"所以,为何不考虑下列这些简单方式,让自己更主动一点呢?当然,恋爱是两个人的事,女性让男性做这些事时也不该感到不好意思 。
Cook dinner without her asking
Chances are, you know how lovely it is to come home from a long day at work to a hot meal...so why not return the favor sometimes? Your wife probably works long days, too. Not a cook? Not a problem - that's why takeout was invented. Bonus husband points for doing it without prompting and without asking her to plan it for you.
漫长一天工作后,你知道回到家中吃到热菜的感觉是多么温馨……所以为什么不偶尔回报回报呢?也许你的妻子也要工作一整天 。你并不是厨师?那也没关系--不是有外卖嘛 。不提示妻子就主动做饭会给你额外加分哦 。
Finish the laundry
Moving items of laundry from the dryer to the basket isn't doing the laundry, that's just squatting and lifting things. If you agree to do the laundry, make sure you see it through from start to all the socks matched and put in the proper drawers.
把衣服从烘干机拿到篮子里根本就不是洗衣服,那只是蹲下身拿东西而已 。如果你同意洗衣服了,那一定要确保自己做完整个流程:从叠袜子到放到专属抽屉,一件事都不能落 。
Make a wish list
What do you really want for your birthday, Fathers' Day, or the holidays? You can leave it for your wife to guess and maybe get it right, or you can keep a running wish list of all your favorite things. That way when she wants to get you a birthday gift - or even an anytime-why-not gift - she'll know just how to please you.
过生日、父亲节或其它节日时,你真正想拥有的礼物是什么呢?你可以让老婆去猜,也许能猜对,或者你也可以列个许愿清单,写上自己最喜欢的礼物 。那样,当她想为你买生日礼物时--或是其它任何礼物--她就知道该如何获得你的芳心了 。
Shave your mountain man beard
A man can look very sexy with a beard, but kissing a man with a monstrous, unkempt beard is a whole different (and less sexy) story. Beard rash is a real thing, and it isn't fun. You don't have to be perfectly clean-shaven every day, but for special occasions it would be nice to touch a smooth face. Bonus: She'll be much more inclined to kiss you.
男人有胡子可能会非常性感,但亲一个胡子拉渣的男人完全是个不同的体验(没那么性感了) 。由胡须引发的皮疹真实存在,这可不是闹着玩的 。当然,你不必每天都刮得干干净净的,但特殊场合下,脸蛋光滑更惹人爱 。福利:她会更喜欢亲你 。
Take time for yourself
A lot is made about a woman's need for "me time," but guys can benefit just as much from self-care. When you take a little time to practice a hobby, see a show, read a book, or play a sport, it makes you happier - which, in turn, will make her happier.
很多人都强调女性需要"自我时间,"但男人也可以从关爱自我中获利 。当你抽点时间培养自己的兴趣、看看节目、读本书或运动时,你会更开心的--这也会使她更开心 。