Sarah, 63 pounds
"Woke up late [and was] only able to fit in a 25-minute hit, but you know what? I'm glad I got my butt out of bed and did something! In this journey you will find that it's the little things that add up."
"起床很迟,只能急匆匆的锻炼25分钟,但你知道吗?我很高兴能够早起,并做了一番事情!在这一段旅程中,你会知道减肥是一点点小事累积起来的 。"
This stay-at-home momma didn't let having five kids be an excuse for skipping out on a chance to improve her health. Now, the fit mom makes it super easy to work out because she just walks downstairs to her basement. Not only is her gym in her own house, but as she noted above, she doesn't rule out a sweat sesh just because she won't have the full time she's used to committing. Even a short spurt of exercise is better than nothing. You can, too, with these 31 Ways to Work Out-Without Hitting the Gym!
这位家庭主妇有5个孩子,但她没有以此为借口错失提高自身健康的机会 。现在,这位健身妈妈的锻炼非常简单,因为她刚走下楼去地下室 。她的健身房不仅在自己家中,而且如上所述,她不会因为不如以前那般全身心投入而放弃排汗的机会 。即使只是短暂性运动也比坐着不动好得多 。有了这31种健身方法(而且不用去健身房哦)你也能成功减肥!
David Garcia, 160 pounds
"I've figured out how to combat my biggest weakness: my attitude. Every prior diet derailed after making poor food choices, because I would think, 'There goes my diet today, so I should eat whatever I want, and get back on track tomorrow.' And then I'd stretch 'tomorrow' to 'next week' to 'next month' to 'next year.' So now I eliminate temptation wherever I can. I keep lots of healthy options at home, so I never feel stuck eating the same thing."
"我想出了战胜自己最大弱点--我的态度的方法 。每一次选错了食物后,就觉得之前的饮食也报废了,因为我会这样想'这就是我今天的食物,我应该想吃什么就吃什么,明天再开始锻炼好了 。'之后我会将'明天'延迟到'下周'再到'下个月'再到'明年 。'所以现在只要可以,我就会抵制诱惑 。我在家里放了很多健康食物,所以我从没觉得一直都在吃同一种食物 。"
Julie Ana Kim, 72 pounds
"I recently checked the scale to see if I had lost any weight and saw I was only down 2 lbs. I was a little disappointed because I have been working out extra hard. But yesterday, 2 of my coworkers commented they noticed I've been slimming down. It just made me realize I definitely shouldn't rely on the scale to measure my progress. [...] Pictures, waistline, clothing all show progress as well. Don't feel down just because of what the scale says."
"最近我称了体重,想看看有没有瘦下来,但却只瘦了2磅 。我有点失望,因为我锻炼地十分努力 。但昨天,我的两位同事说他们发现我瘦了 。这让我意识到我不该靠称衡量自己的减肥效果……照片,腰围和衣服都能看出效果 。不要因为称上的数字而感到失望 。"
Megan, 114 pounds
"Before marriage and kids [vs.] after. It's funny how back in the day we thought we didn't have time to exercise and eat healthy because we were so busy with our full-time jobs. Most of our dinners consisted of picking something up from a restaurant because we were too busy to cook. Now, 2 kids later, we just know we have to make our health a priority."
"结婚和生孩子前对比结婚和生孩子后 。回想过去,我们总说自己没有时间锻炼、没有时间吃的健康,因为我们的全职工作太忙了,想想还真有点好笑 。大多数时候,我们的晚餐都是从饭店买的,因为我们忙到没时间做饭 。现在,有了两个孩子之后,我们才知道健康才是最重要的 。"