It is hard to feel that this is a request you can refuse. No matter how circumspect you may be about Facebook friendship, your boss may hold it against you. But if you accept, there’s a chance your posts could compromise your career.
这是个很难拒绝的请求 。不管你对脸书上的好友有多谨慎,你的老板都有可能成为特例 。但如果你接受了请求,那么你发的状态很有可能对你的职业生涯造成不利影响 。
It’s rare that companies don’t have a policy around this, but what actually happens will largely depend on your workplace culture. If yours is the sort of office that is full of friends first, coworkers second, it may not make sense to keep them at arm’s length on social media – not even your boss.
针对该问题有解决方法的公司很多,但实际情况在很大程度上得取决于你的公司文化 。如果是那种朋友第一、同事第二的办公室,那么在社交媒体上与他们保持距离也就没有意义了——即使是老板也一样 。
I know of some who will approve employees as friends but won’t request them. This was obviously not the approach of a former manager of mine, who added me while we were both at work, about three metres away from each other. Had he looked up after clicking “Add as friend”, he could have witnessed my stricken expression. As it was, he stared straight ahead, which was somehow more off-putting.
我知道有些老板会接受员工成为其好友,但却不会主动加员工为好友 。但显然,我先前的经理并不是这样做的,我们一起工作彼此距离不到3米的时候,他加我为好友了 。如果他在点击“加为好友”之时抬头的话,那么他可能会看到我那僵硬的表情 。事实上,他当时只是直视前方,让事情发展得更令人讨厌 。
I sat on his request for a couple of days for no other reason than to send an implicit message that I wasn’t that happy about it. But I eventually acquiesced, because I didn’t feel like I could refuse – then restricted his access in just about every possible way.
好几天我都没有理睬这条请求,因为我只想给经理发一条隐含信息告诉他我对此并不高兴 。但最终我还是同意了,因为我感觉自己不能拒绝这条请求——然后又想尽一切办法对他屏蔽我的动态 。
This is the happy medium: the semblance of friendship, at least insofar as that is communicated by Facebook, without any of the confidences that go with it offline.
这是一个折中方法:表面上我们是朋友,至少我们可以通过脸书交流,但下线后我们也不会私交甚密 。
Go to their profile, hover over “Friends”, and then uncheck every category bar “Restricted”. You can further finetune by clicking on the padlock in the top-right of Facebook on desktop, then “Who can see my stuff?”
看看他们的个人资料,鼠标停留在“好友”上面,然后取消每一栏的“受限” 。你也可以在桌面上点击脸书右上角的挂锁图标,然后点击“对谁可见”来进行微调 。
“View profile as ... ” is an especially helpful feature.
“查看个人资料为……”是一个非常有用的功能 。
You may be reassured to find you’re not sharing anything that compromising – even interesting – anyway.
你不会分享任何犀利的文章,甚至也不会分享有趣的内容,因此你大可放心 。
In the years since my former manager and I connected, Facebook has become more of a public platform for many, and the average number of friends has increased. With it has come so-called “context collapse”: because people no longer have a clear picture of their audience, many are sharing less about themselves.
自打我和前任经理成为好友以来,脸书已更多的成为一种公共平台,我的好友人数也渐渐增多 。随之而来的则是所谓的“情境崩溃”:因为人们对自己的观众已不再了解,所以很多人在分享的时候也越来越有所保留 。