日期:2017-03-09 13:14


China’s latest effort to curb air pollution is raising hopes for the global aluminium industry, adding fresh momentum to a rally that has left the base metal as the best performer this year.
Shares in global producers, including Alcoa, have surged this week following the circulation of a Chinese government order calling for curbs to production. Beijing’s focus on aluminium comes after government-ordered cuts to China’s coal output sent prices soaring last year.
The aluminium price has risen 15 per cent this year, outstripping nickel and copper on the London Metal Exchange, and is up 3.4 per cent over the past five days.
Almost 30 northern cities are set to cut aluminium capacity by more than 30 per cent to reduce air pollution during the winter season, according to an order issued by China’s environment industry and six local governments and seen by the Financial Times.
“It is clear from the market reaction that investors see this news as a clear policy step towards long-term reduction in aluminium output from China,” analysts at Investec said. “A cut in output has long been needed in order to reduce production and, eventually, to reduce the enormous inventory overhang.”
While the document did not specify when the cuts would come November is most likely, say analysts, who add that how effectively the cuts are carried out will determine whether aluminium’s rally can be sustained.
China’s aluminium production has risen by about 2 per cent a month for the past six months, according to Grant Sporre, an analyst at Deutsche Bank. Inventory of the metal in China has also jumped 120 per cent since Chinese new year, he said.
德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)分析师格兰特?斯波雷(Grant Sporre)表示,中国铝产量在过去六个月期间每月增长约2%。他说,这种金属在中国的库存自农历新年以来也跃升了120%。
“They [aluminium smelters] are quite difficult to ramp up and ramp down again, it’s not like a coal mine where you can stop the machinery and walk away,” Mr Sporre said. “I don’t know how it’s enforceable and practical to do it that way.”
Over the long-term any reductions to output in northern China could lead to production moving to lower-cost aluminium smelters in remoter regions, he added, potentially lowering China’s cost of production and making it even more competitive.


The orders for cuts were part of wide-ranging measures targeting coal boiler emissions and cement, steel and power plants to cut air pollution in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and surrounding areas. It also called for a 50 per cent reduction in steel capacity in certain regions.
Provinces and city governments have to report every month on their progress, according to the document. The Ministry of Environmental Protection did not reply to telephone calls seeking comment.
Shares in US producer Alcoa have risen 10 per cent this week and are up 35 per cent this year.
Century Aluminum has jumped 80 per cent this year. In Europe, shares in producer Norsk Hydro are up 20 per cent.
世纪铝业(Century Aluminum)股价今年以来飙涨80%。在欧洲,铝生产商挪威海德鲁(Norsk Hydro)股价今年上涨20%。
Additional reporting by Peter Wells in Hong Kong.
彼得?韦尔斯(Peter Wells)香港补充报道
