日期:2017-03-09 12:52


A buoyant stock market and improving US growth have given the Federal Reserve cover to lift interest rates three times this year, including when it meets in less than two weeks, a Financial Times survey of top economists found.
英国《金融时报》对顶级经济学家的一项调查发现,牛气十足的股票市场和不断好转的美国经济增长将使得美联储(Federal Reserve)有理由在今年三次上调利率,包括在不到两周后开会期间决定加息。
Roughly three-quarters of the 43 experts surveyed said the Fed would raise rates by 75 basis points this year, a capitulation from months earlier when economists and markets said policymaker projections were too optimistic.
Hawkish commentary from those policymakers over the past week, rising inflation expectations, higher sovereign bond yields and record stock market valuations have left nine out of 10 economists predicting the Fed will lift interest rates by a quarter point this month, to a range of 0.75 per cent to 1 per cent.


“The Fed, which has been very comfortable maintaining excessively easy monetary policy and lagging behind markets, may quickly be put into a position of becoming uncomfortable in lagging economic and inflation realities,” said Berenberg economist Mickey Levy.
“迄今一直对维持过度宽松的货币政策和滞后于市场感到非常舒适的美联储,可能很快陷入对经济和通胀现实滞后感到不舒服的境地,”贝伦贝格(Berenberg)经济学家米基?莱维(Mickey Levy)表示。
The median economist projection is a federal funds rate at 1.375 per cent by the end of 2017, and 2.125 per cent by December 2018. Market measures of trader bets also imply three 25 basis-point rate rises this year.
Almost three-quarters of economists polled expect the US central bank to stop or reduce reinvestment of coupons and principle from securities it holds in early to mid-2018.
Several warn forecasts could be upended if spending, deregulation and tax cuts push faster growth. Two-thirds said they expected “substantive tax reform” by year-end.
Omair Sharif, of Société Générale, said “all bets are off on where the inflation data goes” if a border adjustment tax is passed. But he noted the Fed was willing to tolerate inflation that eclipses its policy mandate for a short time.
法国兴业银行(Société Générale)的奥迈?谢里夫(Omair Sharif)表示,如果美国国会通过边境调整税,谁也不知道通胀数据将会如何变化。但他指出,短期而言,美联储愿意容忍通胀超出其政策授权的范围。
Despite hawkish Fed comments, several economists still believed the central bank would hold fire this month.
The FT conducted its survey on March 2 and 3.

  • inflationn. 膨胀,通货膨胀
  • monetaryadj. 货币的,金融的
  • implyvt. 暗示,意指,含有 ... 的意义
  • securitiesn. 有价证券;担保;保证人;抵押物(security的
  • adjustmentn. 调整
  • substantiveadj. 独立的,真实的,持久的,本质的,名词性的,大量
  • reserven. 预备品,贮存,候补 n. 克制,含蓄 vt. 保留
  • surveyv. 调查,检查,测量,勘定,纵览,环视 n. 调查,纵
  • principlen. 原则,原理,主义,信念
  • uncomfortableadj. 不舒服的,不自在的