You might think that when presented with a never-ending supply of potential suitors, people would be getting pickier.
你或许会认为当出现源源不断的潜在追求者时,人们会变得更加挑剔 。
After all, with a lot of dating websites like Match and eHarmony, users can specify almost everything they're looking for in a partner, so why wouldn't you be choosy?
New research has revealed, however, that people are in fact lowering their standards as a result of dating apps and sites.
然而,新的研究结果发现,由于交友软件和网站的出现,人们实际上正在降低择偶标准 。
Researchers from the Queensland University of Technology studied data from Australia's largest dating website RSVP and the dating profiles of over 41,000 people aged between 18 and 80 in a bid to work out whether the rise of online dating has changed people's habits.
来自昆士兰科技大学的研究者从澳大利亚最大的交友网站RSVP获取了超过41000名年龄在18到80岁之间的用户资料,想要研究出在线交友这一社交形式的风靡是否改变了人们的习惯 。
They concluded that singletons are disregarding their 'check-list' of criteria and pursuing other potential romantic partners who have sufficient acceptable qualities.
他们得出结论表明,如今单身的人正不顾自己的择偶标准而追求有足够多可接受品质的可能浪漫伴侣 。
The reason that online daters are more likely to settle could be that they're tired of trying to find the perfect person amongst so many.
在线交友更容易成功的原因是他们厌倦了在如此多的候选者中寻找完美的人 。
"We looked at whether or not people actually contact people who match what they say is their ideal partner in their profile, and our findings show they don't. Stating a preference for what you are looking for appears to have little to no bearing on the characteristics of people you actually contact," study author Stephen Whyte said.
"我们观察人们是否会联系那些符合他们个人资料中理想恋人标准的人,然而我们发现他们并不这样 。理想型似乎与你实际联系对象的特征并不一样 。"该研究的作者斯蒂芬·怀特说 。
He explains that the nature of online dating is triggering changed in the psychology of humans choosing a mate.
他解释到在线交友的实质引起了人们在选择伴侣时心理的变化 。
"Disclosure of 'ideal' partner preferences is a widely offered and commonly-used option for people creating a profile on online dating websites, but whether it's effective or useful in helping people find that special someone is unclear," Whyte says.
"人们于在线交友网站建立个人资料时,理想型特征是被广泛提供的,公开这一偏好也是被普遍使用的选项,但是这在人们寻找伴侣时是否有效或有用却不得而知 。"怀特说 。
"This study provides quite unique findings in that people may state a preference for an ideal partner but they are more than happy to initiate contact with potential love interests that bear no resemblance whatsoever to that 'Mr or Mrs Perfect' they initially think they prefer over all others."
"这一研究提供了相当独特的发现,人们或许会写下理想型,但他们却更愿意从一开始就联系有与他们最初认为符合'完美先生/小姐'标准完全不相关的潜在伴侣 。"
In today's busy world, with our seemingly throwaway dating culture, finding a partner takes a lot of time and effort, but the study's results could be encouraging for people looking for love online.
在如今这个繁忙的世界中,伴随着我们看似一次性的约会文化,找到一个伴侣即费时又费事,但这一研究结果或许能鼓励人们从网上找到真爱 。
So if you lower your standards, the chances are everyone else has too, so you may just meet the one as a result.
既然这样,如果你降低了自己的标准,其他人也有相同的机会这样做,那么结果你还是只能遇到那样一个人 。