日期:2017-03-16 08:26


Who then could have seen the connection with the fate of an obscure Cambridge mathematician? Yet connection there was.
For one day Hitler was to lose the Rhineland, and it would be then, and only then, that the universal machine could emerge into the world of practical action.
The idea had come out of Alan Turing's private loss. But between the idea and its embodiment had to come the sacrifice of millions.
Nor would the sacrifices end with Hitler; there was no solution to the world's Entscheidungs problem.
* The analogy is not intended to be exact; Hilbert space and quantum mechanical 'states' differ in an essential way from anything in ordinary experience.
* The word 'group', as used in mathematics, has a technical meaning quite distinct from its use in ordinary language.
It refers to the idea of a set of operations, but only when that set of operations meets certain precise conditions.
These may be illustrated by considering the rotations of a sphere.
If A, B and C are three different rotations, then one can see that:
设A, B和C是三种不同的旋转动作,那么你可以看到:
(i) there exists a rotation which exactly reverses the effect of A.
(ii) there exists a rotation which has exactly the same effect as performing A, and then B. Let this rotation be called 'AB'.
(iii) Then AB, followed by C, has the same effect as A, followed by BC.
These are essentially the conditions required for the rotations to form a 'group'.
Abstract group theory then arose by taking these conditions, representing them appropriately with symbols, and then abandoning the original concrete embodiment.
The resulting theory might profitably be applied to rotations, as indeed it was, in quantum mechanics.
It could also apply to the apparently unrelated field of ciphering.
(Ciphers enjoy the 'group' properties: a cipher must have a well-defined decipherment operation which reverses it, and if two ciphering operations are performed in succession, the result is another cipher.)
