Moonlight, an evocative coming of age story about a young gay black man, won best picture at the 2017 Oscars but was almost denied its victory in chaotic scenes when the award was mistakenly given to La La Land.
一部富有感染力的、描写一名年轻黑人男同性恋成长故事的影片《月光男孩》(Moonlight),获得2017年奥斯卡(Oscar)最佳影片奖。不过,该片险些与此奖项擦肩而过,原因是在混乱的颁奖现场,此奖项曾被误颁给了《爱乐之城》(La La Land)。
At the end of a politically charged ceremony in which Donald Trump was the subject of frequent jokes by host Jimmy Kimmel, Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway announced that La La Land had won. But as the producers and cast of Damien Chazelle’s modern musical were on stage giving emotional thank you speeches, they were told that Moonlight was the real winner.
在这场充满政治色彩的颁奖典礼——唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)屡次成为主持人吉米?基梅尔(Jimmy Kimmel)打趣的对象——的末尾,沃伦?比蒂(Warren Beatty)和费?唐纳薇(Faye Dunaway)宣布《爱乐之城》赢得此奖项。然而,就在这部达米安?沙泽勒(Damien Chazelle)编导的现代音乐片的制作人员和演员登上舞台、激动地发表致谢演说时,他们却被告知《月光男孩》才是真正的获奖者。
PwC, the accountancy firm that has been responsible for counting Oscars votes for 80 years and ensuring that the correct envelopes are handed to presenters, swiftly apologised to the films, the presenters and the audience for giving the prize announcement for the wrong category to Beatty and Dunaway.
“We sincerely apologize to Moonlight, La La Land, Warren Beatty, Faye Dunaway, and Oscar viewers for the error that was made during the award announcement for Best Picture. The presenters had mistakenly been given the wrong category envelope and when discovered, was immediately corrected.”
“We are currently investigating how this could have happened, and deeply regret that this occurred,” PwC said. “We appreciate the grace with which the nominees, the Academy, ABC, and Jimmy Kimmel handled the situation.”
普华永道表示:“我们目前正在调查如何能发生这样的事,并对发生此事深感遗憾。被提名人、电影艺术与科学学院(the Academy)、美国广播公司(ABC)、以及吉米?基梅尔对这一情况处置得体,我们表示感谢。”
Chazelle’s musical was the hot favourite going into the evening, with a record-tying 14 nominations. Chazelle won the best director award, while Emma Stone won best actress for her performance in the film, which was produced by Lionsgate. There were other La La Land Oscars for score and best original song.
沙泽勒编导的音乐片《爱乐之城》是当晚的得奖热门,所获14项提名平了奥斯卡史上的纪录。沙泽勒获得最佳导演奖。而埃玛?斯通(Emma Stone)凭借她在这部由狮门娱乐(Lionsgate)制作的影片中的表演,赢得了最佳女主角奖。此外,《爱乐之城》还获得了最佳配乐和最佳原创歌曲奖。
But Moonlight kept pace with it over the course of a marathon four-hour ceremony. Barry Jenkins and Tarell Alvin McCraney won best adapted screenplay, while Mahershala Ali won best supporting actor — the first Oscar for a Muslim American actor.
不过,在长达四小时的马拉松般的颁奖典礼中,《月光男孩》所获奖项一度与《爱乐之城》并驾齐驱。巴里?詹金斯(Barry Jenkins,文首图中)和塔雷尔?阿尔文?麦克拉尼(Tarell Alvin McCraney,文首图右)获得了最佳改编剧本奖。马赫沙拉?阿里(Mahershala Ali)获得最佳男配角奖,这是美国穆斯林男演员首位获得奥斯卡奖。