Maybelline’s Big Shot mascara campaign features a model with impeccable eye make-up, thick eyelashes and?.?.?.?well-groomed stubble.
美宝莲(Maybelline)的Big Shot睫毛膏广告邀请的是一位画着完美眼妆、涂着浓密睫毛还……留着有型胡须的模特。
Manny Gutierrez last month became just the second man to be chosen as the face for a make-up advertisement, the first being cosmetics aficionado James Charles, whose Instagram posts caught the eye of Covergirl last year.
上个月,曼尼?古铁雷斯(Manny Gutierrez)成为第二个被选为化妆品广告代言人的男士,第一位是化妆达人詹姆斯?查尔斯(James Charles),去年,他在Instagram的帖子引起了Covergirl的注意。
Mr Charles, who has more than 1m Instagram followers, and Mr Gutierrez, who has 3m, believe that make-up should not be restricted to women. Make-up is “genderLESS and has no rules!”, Mr Gutierrez tells his 2m YouTube subscribers.
That men can be the face of a global make-up brand underscores how large consumer goods companies like L’Oréal and Coty, which respectively own cosmetic brands Maybelline and Covergirl, see diversity as an increasingly powerful market. This market includes men using traditionally female cosmetics or a growing array of new products aimed at men.
It is an extension of a male grooming industry worth close to $50bn last year — with moisturisers, pomades, body hair removal products and blemish concealer populating increasing areas of physical and digital shelf space. Retail sales of male grooming products at Procter & Gamble, including its Gillette brand, are more than $11bn, while Unilever, which sells the Axe and Lynx brands, sold nearly $5bn in 2015, the latest figures available, according to Euromonitor.
这是去年规模近500亿美元的男士美容行业的延伸。保湿霜、润发油、脱毛产品以及遮瑕膏正占领越来越多的实体和数字零售货架。根据欧睿(Euromonitor)的最新数据,宝洁(Procter & Gamble)男士美容产品(包括吉列(Gillette)品牌)的零售销售额超过110亿美元,Axe和凌仕(Lynx)品牌所有者联合利华(Unilever) 2015年的男士美容产品销售额为近50亿美元。
Graeme Pitkethly, Unilever’s chief financial officer, noted on a recent earnings call that male grooming was a business he expected to grow “above the personal care average for many years to come”.
联合利华首席财务官格雷姆?皮特凯特利(Graeme Pitkethly)在最近一次业绩电话会议上指出,他预计,男士美容行业的增速将“在未来很多年超过个人护理业的平均水平”。
But sales growth in the male grooming market slowed to 3.1 per cent last year from a compound annual growth rate, or CAGR, of 5.7 per cent in the five years to 2015, according to Euromonitor.
Nicholas Micallef, a beauty and personal care analyst at Euromonitor, says the men’s grooming market will not match the women’s market anytime soon. “Scope for growth exists in dynamic markets such as the US, India, and Brazil in the longer-term. It is a key area for all industry players, and their focus is now to understand what motivates men to use beauty items, and what makes them comfortable to shop.”
欧睿美容和个人护理行业分析师尼古拉斯?米卡莱夫(Nicholas Micallef)表示,男士美容市场将不会很快赶上女性市场。“较长期而言,美国、印度和巴西等富有活力的市场具有增长空间。它对所有行业参与者都是关键领域,他们现在的焦点是了解促使男性使用美容产品的因素是什么,以及什么让他们在购物时感到舒服。”
Underscoring the gap between men and women, globally men’s per capita spend on grooming products was $6.50 in 2015, compared with $58.50 for women, Euromonitor says. Although that is a large gap, the boundaries separating male and female-specific products are not always clear. Some products are unisex, some men use products — such as concealer — that are found in the women’s sections of retail outlets, while some women, in Brazil for example, use men’s razors for shaving their legs.
The slowdown in growth for male grooming products is partly explained by lacklustre economic growth, analysts say. Unlike women, who count beauty products as essential items, for many men, particularly those with families, male grooming items — with the exception of razors — more easily drop off the shopping list when money gets tight.
Brazil, a top male grooming products market, had been a particularly bright spot, having enjoyed a 16 per cent CAGR increase in the five years to 2015. But as the nation’s economy struggles in a deep recession, growth in 2016 is estimated at 4.6 per cent to $6.79bn. In western Europe, where high youth unemployment in Mediterranean countries such as Spain persist, growth has decelerated to a 0.7 per cent rise to $12.5bn.
Mr Micallef says the UK is bolstered by high income earners. They have fuelled the growth of small companies such as Beast, which sells men’s grooming products, including shampoos retailing for as much as £27, compared with Unilever’s Lynx brand shampoo, priced at about £5.
However, many lower to middle income men cannot afford such products. Andrew Snavely — founder of US online magazine Primer, which writes about practical style and grooming advice for young men — believes that this demographic is being sidelined.
然而,很多中低收入的男性买不起这种产品。美国在线杂志Primer创始人安德鲁?斯内夫利(Andrew Snavely)认为,这一人群被忽视了。该杂志为年轻男士撰写实用的穿衣和美容建议。
“Traditional men’s magazines almost completely ignore the grooming needs of the average guy,” says Mr Snavely, who says his online magazine, founded in 2008 as an alternative to established brands such as GQ and Esquire, has 1.5m monthly page views.
He adds that young professional men find trial and error with products to be an expensive and time-consuming process, “especially for an aspect of life men are taught not to pay so much attention to”.
Male grooming brands such as Unilever’s Axe has broken from its far more conservative approach to lure consumers. It has attempted to reach a more diverse audience by focusing on individuality over gender identification or sexuality. Its “Find your Magic” campaign features men of all shapes, sizes and sexualities and has generated 10m YouTube hits over the past year.
联合利华的Axe等男士美容品牌为吸引消费者,放弃了那种保守得多的策略。该品牌试图通过关注个性,而非性别认同或性别特征来触及更广泛的受众。其“发现你的魔力”(Find your Magic)广告的主角是各种体型、身材和男性特征的男士,过去一年在YouTube吸引了1000万的点击量。
The introduction of new products, such as L’Oréal’s male deodorant for shaved armpits, combined with acquisitions such as Unilever’s purchase of Dollar Shave Club, the online razor subscription service, as well as the growth of small niche companies, all point to confidence in the longer-term success of the male grooming market.
新产品的引入(例如欧莱雅的男士腋下除臭产品)、联合利华收购在线剃须刀订购服务Dollar Shave Club等并购交易,以及小型利基公司的发展都表明,人们对男士美容市场的较长期成功充满信心。
Mr Snavely says: “For the first time men actually have tailored options for their own unique grooming needs, and that’s only going to continue to expand as social perceptions of male grooming evolves.”