Loved for its leanness, adaptability and inoffensiveness, chicken is a popular meat all over the world.
鸡肉因低脂肪、高适应和无害性而风靡全球 。
In fact, many people actively choose to eat chicken over red meat because they believe it's healthier.
事实上,许多人热衷选择吃红色肉类中的鸡肉,是因为相信它更健康 。
But as a result of changing practices in poultry farming, it turns out chicken is no longer as good for us as it once was.
但由于家禽饲养的技术发生了变化,鸡肉早没以前那么好了 。
A new video by Compassion in World Farming has been released, aiming to educate the public about 'white striping' in chicken.
世界农场动物福利协会发布了一个新视频,旨在告知大众什么是"白纹"鸡肉 。
More and more chicken breasts now have 'white striping' - strips of fat that appear as a result of a condition many of the birds develop in factory farms.
现在越来越多的鸡胸肉都有"白纹"--许多在工厂化农场培育出的家禽身上都会出现的条状脂肪 。
Truly lean chicken breast won't have any of the white striations, but all you have to do is pop down to your local supermarket to see how common it is for what we're sold to be covered in white stripes of fat.
真正精瘦的鸡胸肉不会有任何白色条纹,但你只要跑一趟附近的超市,就会发现覆着脂肪白纹的肉十分常见 。
The stripes come about as a result of the way the chickens are raised - they're produced on a mass scale and farmers are doing everything then can to make the chickens bigger, quicker.
条纹的产生源自这些鸡的饲养方式--它们是被规模化饲养的,而且养殖员采取了各种手段来让它们长得更大、更快 。
This means the chicken we eat may be a lot fattier and less nutritious than it used to be.
这意味着我们吃的鸡肉可能更加油腻,并且更没有营养 。
A study last year by the University of Arkansas and Texas A&M concluded that "the severity of white striping has increased in recent years," and found it present in 96 percent of the 285 birds they tested.
美国堪萨斯大学和德克萨斯农工大学在去年做的一项研究显示:"近几年白纹肉的情况更加严重了",他们检测了285种家禽,其中96%都出现了白纹 。
What's more, the researchers discovered that white striping "negatively impacts meat quality" and results in chicken that is less tender and absorbs marinades less easily.
此外,研究人员发现白纹会"损害肉质",使鸡肉没那么嫩,且不易吸收调味料 。
A 2013 study also found that chicken breasts with the condition can contain 224 per cent more fat than normal ones.
2013年的一项研究也表明,白纹鸡胸肉比正常鸡肉多包含了224%的脂肪 。
But according to Jaclyn London, R.D., Nutrition Director at the Good Housekeeping Institute, we shouldn't be swearing off the stuff: "Chicken - so long as it's not breaded and deep-fried - is a great source of lean protein (that also happens to be rich in B-vitamins, iron and vitamin B12)," she said.
但来自伦敦好管家研究院的营养师贾克琳指出,我们不该"一棍子打死" 。她说:"只要不是撒了面包屑和油炸过的鸡肉,它仍然是种很不错的低脂蛋白来源(富含维B、铁元素和维B12) 。"
And a spokesman for the National Chicken Council told Buzzfeed white striping actually only affects a "small percentage of chicken meat" and "does not create any health or food safety concerns for people and the welfare of the chicken itself is not negatively impacted."
国家鸡肉协会的一位发言人告诉Buzzfeed网, 白纹其实只影响"很小一部分鸡肉",同时"并不会给人们带来任何健康或食品安全方面的隐患,鸡肉的营养价值也不会被损害 。"
So you don't need to stop cooking your favourite chicken stir-fries, curries and roasts just yet, but let's hope more supermarkets and restaurants avoid factory-farmed birds.
所以你还不需要放弃烹饪你最爱的炒鸡肉,咖喱鸡和烤肉,但让我们期待更多的超市和餐馆能禁供工厂化养殖的家禽肉吧 。