Another week, another piece of questionable advice from Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop.
格温妮丝·帕特洛的Goop网站这周再次提出了一个可疑的养生提议 。
This time, however, the website may have made its most dangerous recommendation yet, as a doctor has called out the latest post saying: "Almost everything in this article is wrong and potentially dangerous."
但这次的提议可能是目前为止它提出的最危险的一个,一个医生站出来指出"这篇文章通篇都是错误而且可能导致危险" 。
In the Goop piece titled 'Why We Shouldn't Dismiss Iodine,' the lifestyle site speaks to "Medical Medium Anthony William" who apparently heals people's illnesses "using wisdom passed on to him from a divine voice he calls Spirit."
Goop在这篇名为《我们为什么不能缺少碘》的文章中采访了"医学灵媒"安东尼·威廉,他能从所谓的"神灵"那里获得智慧并治疗患者的病痛 。
William claims he "was born with the unique ability to converse with a high-level spirit who provides him with extraordinarily accurate health information that's often far ahead of its time."
威廉声称他"生来就具有与高智慧的灵魂交流的独特能力,而那个灵魂有着非常准确且超前的关于健康的信息" 。
William explains that he thinks we should all take iodine supplements to boost our immune systems, help with thyroid hormone production and even prevent cancer.
威廉提出我们应该尽可能多补充碘,这能增强免疫系统并有助于生成甲状腺激素,甚至有助于防癌 。
In a retort to the Goop article on her website, Dr Gunter spoke with board-certified endocrinologist, Elena A Christofides, to stress the point that William's advice is not an accepted scientific method, he has no medical training and has not published any data.
而甘特医生则在她的网站上对Goop的文章予以反驳 。她与一个专业的内分泌学家,艾琳娜·克里斯托菲季斯进行了交流,并强调威廉的建议毫无科学依据,他本人也没有接受过任何医学教育以及发表过任何有关数据 。
"Mr. William's spirit must not know too much about iodine because he swings and misses right off the bat. He says, 'Iodine is essential for two main reasons: (1) your immune system relies on this mineral to function, and (2) iodine is a natural antiseptic.'
"威廉先生的那位'神灵'肯定对碘并不了解,因为他说的完全是错的 。他说'碘主要有两个用途:第一,人的免疫系统需要这种矿物质来运作,第二,碘是一种自然的防腐剂'" 。
"The body needs iodine because without it you can't make thyroid hormone and then you will slowly die. It will be a long and drawn out process. All of the symptoms of iodine deficiency are related to resulting thyroid dysfunction and 70-80% of the body's iodine is stored in the thyroid. This is not a 'small aspect' this is THE ASPECT."
"人体需要碘,因为没有它我们无法生成甲状腺激素并因此逐步走向死亡 。这是一个漫长的过程 。缺碘的所有症状都与甲状腺功能失调有关,而人体内70%至80%的碘都储存于甲状腺中 。"
"While iodine is essential, we actually need very little because it's a micronutrient [...] basically eating out even a couple of times a month gets us enough iodised salt to suffice."
"虽然碘不可或缺,但仅仅是作为微量元素而已 。一个月只要在外面吃几顿大餐,就能让我们摄入足够多的碘盐了 。"
According to Dr Christofides, taking excessive iodine with a normal thyroid actually "blunts the thyroid and actually causes hypothyroidism." She has even seen women take so much iodine that they give themselves the condition.
克里斯托菲季斯医生认为,过量的碘对于正常的甲状腺"反而会造成伤害并导致甲状腺功能衰退" 。她见过一些女患者由于摄入大量的碘而出现了那些症状 。
"We need very little iodine, that little bit is important but if you eat a healthy diet and have a little iodised salt here and there you will be just fine.
"我们只需要很少的碘 。只要我们能有健康的饮食习惯,在食物中加入少量碘盐,就不会有任何问题 。"
"If you take iodine supplements when you do not need them you could actually cause hypothyroidism, develop an autoimmune condition, or even get cancer."
"如果你的身体不需要碘而你却依然大量补充,那会导致甲状腺功能减退,并进而发展成免疫系统疾病,甚至直接导致癌症 。"