新西兰车厘子中国热销 果园上空现直升机'护果'
日期:2017-02-15 23:40


New Zealand cherry producers are flying helicopters low over their orchards to dry off raindrops and protect thousands of tons of their product headed to Asia to feed rapidly growing demand from Chinese people.
Growers in Central Otago are paying thousands of dollars an hour to fly helicopters over trees to stop rainfall from cracking fruit.
To ensure the good quality sought by Asian buyers, the choppers have been flying just one meter above the trees, operating like fans to blow away moisture left by recent rain.

新西兰车厘子中国热销 果园上空现直升机'护果'

The Chinese mainland has grown to become the second largest destination for New Zealand cherries after Taiwan in the past seven years.
Exports are expected to grow to around NZ$50m this season, according to Tim Jones, chairman of Summerfruit NZ, which represents growers.
Exporters and growers said they received constant requests for as much as fruit they could grow during Chinese New Year.
"The demand is phenomenal," said Tracey Burns, who handles international cherry sales at produce exporter Freshmax.
