Do Cardio
If you're looking for a way to burn more calories with little effort, you've come to the right place. We've got over 27 simple ways you can boost your body's fat-burning potential, all day, the easy way. Cardio is crucial for keeping your metabolism running smoothly. In one study, researchers found that after a tough 45-minute cycling workout the subjects slashed 190 calories above their resting metabolic rate for 14 hours after their workout! According to the study author Dr. David Nieman, a professor of exercise science at Appalachian State University, "If you do just two to three vigorous bouts of exercise per week for 45 minutes, you could lose a pound of fat every two weeks from the combination of calories expended during exercise plus what you burn afterward."
Eat Breakfast
After a long night of fasting, your body needs fuel to rev up its metabolism. Skipping breakfast can slow down your body's ability to burn fat as it tries to conserve energy, so make sure you eat a healthy breakfast within an hour of waking up in order to help keep your metabolism running on high. These healthy breakfast recipes can be made the night before if you find you are skipping breakfast because you are too rushed to prep in the morning.
Schedule in Exercise
Exercise doesn't just melt away fat because of the amount of energy you're expending - it actually changes your DNA to boost your metabolism immediately. Experts recommend up to an hour to see the DNA-changing benefits, so keep it up by scheduling your workout throughout the week to ensure you don't miss it.
Don't Skip Meals
You might think that passing on dinner would translate to a slimmer waistline, but it's doing just the opposite. Skipping meals can trick the body into thinking it's not getting enough food, which causes it to hold on to extra calories once it's fed. Keeping blood-sugar levels consistent will keep metabolism functionally properly, so be sure to eat six small meals a day to keep hunger at bay.