Starting point: Planning and subdivision
Start by planning your days, weeks and months. Find times between breakfast and work, or between meetings, before lunch or supper, or even just before bed time. All you need is five, ten or fifteen minutes a day. You can even subdivide these times.
Planning will help you find the time and stay motivated. Take a brisk walk to work and home instead of driving, unless you live in another town or too far from work. Take a jog through the park before supper or a swim. Try jogging upstairs to run your bathwater. Small things can make a difference.
Positive thinking is the key
Think positively about exercising. Make it fun and break down the barriers you have built in your mind. Forming positive thought about exercises has been proven to assist in making changes to a person’s lifestyle.
Conditioning your mind with positive thought such as “I want to be healthy”, “This is for my health”, “I have time for myself” and so forth, allows your mind to empower you. In time, these thoughts will become a positive pattern.
Instead of going to dinner and a movie, take your date hiking or take dancing lessons together. Go swimming or ride bicycles through the park and have a picnic. Sharing activities also build healthy relationships.
Fitting exercise into a busy schedule with your kid
Having small kids and staying at home also leaves one with little time for exercises. Yet, it is not impossible. Instead of bending over to pick-up toys and more, do squats. Run around with the kids outside in the garden. Fitting in some form of exercise is easy.
Do some family activities like after dinner walks, playing soccer in the backyard and take some hiking trips. Your kids need to see you value exercising and they will make it part of their lives. This will also make a difference in their lives.