Spicy Food Might Help You Live Longer
Salsa or Sriracha, load up on spicy food if you want to live longer, new research suggests. A study published in the journal PLoS ONE linked red hot chili peppers with a 13% lower risk of death.
新研究表明:如果你想更长寿,那就多吃点辣酱、辣食吧!在PLoS ONE杂志上发表的一项研究表明:红辣椒会降低13%的死亡率 。
Using data from the National Health and Examination Survey (NHANES), scientists from the University of Vermont analyzed the diets of over 16,000 American adults. Specifically, they looked at the question, "How often did you have hot red chili peppers?" Those who reported eating any hot peppers in the past month had a lower mortality rate over a period of 18 years, after adjusting for other factors.
佛蒙特大学的科学家们从国家健康与体检调查机构获得数据,分析了16000多位美国成人的饮食情况 。具体来说,他们研究了这个问题,“你多久吃一次红辣椒?”在调整了其它因素后,那些说自己上个月吃了红辣椒的人,他们在未来18年的死亡率更低 。
While it's difficult to prove a direct cause-and-effect between the two, these results don't stand alone. Two more studies, one from India and another from China, have also connected spicy foods with longevity. That's good news for your Chipotle order.
虽然很难证明两者之间的直接因果关系,但是这些结果还有其它支撑 。另外两项研究也认为辛辣食物与长寿相关,一项研究来自印度,另一项来自中国 。所以放心吃墨西哥风味快餐吧 。
So what's so magical about chili peppers? Besides nutrients like B, C and pro-A vitamins, the researchers believe an active ingredient called capsaicin protects against both heart disease and obesity. And although the survey asked about red chilis specifically, capsaicin is found in all types of hot peppers, including jalapeños, habaneros and cayenne. It's what gives them their heat!
那么辣椒有什么神奇之处呢?除了维他命B、维他命C和维生素A原等营养物质,研究员认为一种被称为辣椒素的成分能预防心脏病和肥胖 。尽管该研究只具体调查了红辣椒,但所有辣椒都含有辣椒素,包括法国的jalapeños辣椒、哈瓦那辣椒和卡宴辣椒 。正是因为有了辣椒素,辣椒才能那么辣!
Peppers can also help you out right now, if you're looking to lose a few pounds that is. "While the jury's still out on whether or not spicy foods can actually give us a metabolic boost, there's no doubt that eating spicy foods may also have a weight loss benefit," says Jaclyn London, R.D., Nutrition Director at the Good Housekeeping Institute. "That's because when we consume foods with heat, the natural tendency is to slow down while we eat (since it's tough to race through anything with hot peppers!), helping us stay in touch with satiety signals and really stop when we're full - not stuffed."
如果你正打算减掉几磅,吃辣椒就行了 。“虽然还没有确定辛辣食物是否能促进新陈代谢,但对辛辣食物有助于减肥这一点,是毫无疑问的,”注册营养师贾克琳•伦敦说道,她是好管家机构的营养主任 。“因为当我们摄入带有热量的食物时,吃的时候就会自然放慢速度(因为就着辣椒吃菜太难了!),这样就会发出饱腹的信号,当我们饱而未撑的时候,就能停下来不吃了 。”
Living longer and hitting those weight loss goals? Peppers for the win!