A Tennessee man who served 31 years in jail for a crime he didn't commit is petitioning the state to compensate him $1 million for the years of his life that were taken away. All he's gotten so far is $75.
In October 1977 a Memphis woman was raped in her home by two intruders. She later identified one of them as her neighbor, Lawrence McKinney, who was 22 at the time.
He was convicted on rape and burglary charges in 1978 and sentenced to 115 years in jail.
DNA evidence cleared him of the charges in 2008, and when he was released in 2009, the Tennessee Department of Corrections gave him a $75 check to restart his life.
"Because I had no ID it took me three months before I was able to cash it," McKinney told CNN.
Now the 61-year-old is asking Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam to exonerate him.
The Tennessee Board of Parole, which makes recommendations to the governor, denied McKinney's request by a 7-0 vote at a hearing in September.
"The (parole) board reviewed all relevant information related to the crime, conviction and subsequent appeals, as well as all information provided by the petitioner," said Melissa McDonald, spokesperson for the Tennessee Board of Parole. "After considering all of the evidence, the board did not find clear and convincing evidence of innocence and declined to recommend clemency in this matter."
One of McKinney's attorneys, Jack Lowery, believes the decision should rest solely with Haslam.
Since his release, McKinney has worked hard to put his life back together and salvage the time he has left. In 2010 he married a pen pal with whom he corresponded during his time in jail.
"Although I've spent more than half of my life locked up for a crime I did not do, I am not bitter or angry at anyone, because I have found the Lord and married a good wife," McKinney said. "All I ask is that I be treated right and fair for what has happened to me. I didn't do nothing, and I just want to be treated right."