Yes, we’re all human, but men and women carry different health risks—which means that eating whatever your partner is having won’t necessarily cut it. To keep your doctor visits at a minimum—and keep all those gender-specific health risks at bay—it’s important to eat the foods that have been shown to help men remain healthy, lean, and strong. Here, the editors of Eat This, Not That! reveal foods all men should add to their diets, plus delicious (and easy!) ways to incorporate each one into your diet.
是的,我们都是人,但男人和女人有着不同的健康风险——这就是说:吃另一半吃的食物,并不一定会降低我们的风险 。想要少看医生——并遏制所有性别特定的健康风险——那么吃那些已被证明有益于男性健康、精壮的食物是很重要的 。因此Eat This, Not That!的编辑们道出了那些男性应该摄入的食物,以及如何简单地将这些食物添加到日常饮食中,使其变得美味!
1. Wild Salmon
1. 野生三文鱼
Whether you’re simply trying to stay healthy or trying to improve your heart health because you’re already suffering from heart disease, omega-3s can help, say the experts at the National Institute of Health. How? The healthy fat helps reduce triglycerides (the fats that can build up in your blood and cause a heart attack) and also diminish the risk of an irregular heartbeat.
不管你只是单纯的想要保持健康,还是由于你已患有心脏病因此想要使心脏更加健康,欧米茄3脂肪都能帮助你,美国国立卫生研究所的专家们说道 。怎么帮呢?这一健康的脂肪有助于减少甘油三酯(易在血液中积聚并导致心脏病的脂肪),还能降低不规则心跳的风险 。
2. Walnuts
2. 核桃
The genus name for walnuts comes from the Roman phrase “Jupiter’s acorn,” which shows you just how godly the Romans believed the nut to be. And still today, the meaty walnut is highly regarded for its nutritional awesomeness. As one of the best dietary sources of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, walnuts have proven particularly good for the heart. One study showed a two-ounce daily snack was enough to significantly improve blood flow to and from the heart. And a second, five-year study found a one-ounce portion of walnuts, three or more times per week could slash the risk of heart disease by more than half! Sounds like a great reason to chow down, if you ask us!
核桃的属名来自于罗马短语“木星的橡子”,这也显示出核桃在罗马人心中的神圣度 。时至今日,核桃果实也因其营养程度高而备受推崇 。作为消炎欧米茄3脂肪酸的最佳饮食来源之一,核桃已被证明有利于心脏健康 。一项研究表明:每天只要吃两盎司的核桃就能显著促进心脏的血液流通 。还有一项为期五年的研究发现:一盎司的核桃,每周吃三次或三次以上就能使患心脏病的风险降低一半!如果你问的话,我们会说这听起来是个不错的吃核桃理由!
3. Mushrooms
3. 蘑菇
Not only are mushrooms super low-cal, they’re a good source of with potassium, a nutrient that can help lower blood pressure and offset the negative effects of excess sodium. Another reason to add the veggie to your shopping list: Researchers at the University of Florida showed increased immunity in people who ate 4 ounces of cooked mushrooms every day for four weeks.
蘑菇不仅含有超低的卡路里量,而且也是钾元素的良好来源,钾元素是一种营养物质,能降低血压,还能抵消钠摄入量过多而产生的消极影响 。将蘑菇添加到购物清单中还有一个理由:弗罗里达大学的研究员们表示:那些连续四周每天都吃4盎司煮熟蘑菇的人,免疫系统有所增强 。