If you think granola, smoothies and energy bars are healthy, here's a reality check. Some 'healthy' foods have hidden calories which might make you think twice before snacking on them.
如果你觉得格兰诺拉麦片、果蔬汁和能量棒有益于人体健康,那你就错了,以下是真实情况 。一些‘健康’食物含有隐藏卡路里,因此吃之前应该三思 。
Store-bought smoothies may include more calories than a burger. Fruit smoothies already contain natural sugars, but in their efforts to enhance the taste, commercial chains load up smoothies with syrups or refined sugars, full-fat yogurt and even chocolates in some cases that increase their calorie count past 1,000!
从商店购买的果蔬汁含有的卡路里可能比一个汉堡还要多 。果汁本来就含有糖分,但为了加强味道,商业连锁店会在果蔬汁里再加入糖浆或精制糖,有时候甚至会加入全脂酸奶和巧克力,使得果蔬汁的卡路里含量过千!
Trail mix
A handful of trail mix - the ready-made versions available in stores - is full of sugar-coated pieces, yogurt-covered raisins and deep-fried banana chips. These items alone contain trans-fats and refined carbs.
一把什锦干果——店里有现成的——全都是裹了糖的干果、酸奶葡萄干和油炸香蕉片 。单单这些食品就含有反式脂肪和精制碳水化合物了 。
Energy bars
They can include high fructose corn syrup, added sugar, and saturated fats. Some meal replacement bars contain as many as 350 calories, putting them at par with regular chocolates, meaning you might as well grab yourself a normal chocolate bar than one of these supposedly 'healthy' ones.
能量棒可能含有高果糖玉米糖浆、添加糖和饱和脂肪 。有些代替饭食的能量棒含350卡,可与普通巧克力的卡路里含量相媲美,这就是说与其吃这些本该‘健康’的能量棒,倒不如吃块普通巧克力了 。
Bran muffins
Many bran muffins contain about 800 calories, most of which come from sugars, fats, butter and dried fruits, taking their calorie count higher than a traditional cake doughnut.
许多麸皮玛芬卡路里含量约800,大多数卡路里都来源于糖、脂肪、黄油和干果,因此其卡路里含量比传统的蛋糕甜甜圈还高 。
Frozen yogurt
Frozen yogurt may have less saturated fat than an ice cream, but due to being packed with added sugars and high-fructose corn syrup, in terms of calorie and sugar intake they can be just as fattening.
虽然冻酸奶含有的饱和脂肪要低于冰淇淋,但却富含添加糖和高果糖玉米糖浆,因此就卡路里和糖摄入量来说,也一样会增肥 。
Fat-free desserts
The idea of fat-free biscuits and cakes can be deceptive. Yes, you may be cutting down on your fat intake. However, low-fat or fat-free treats often use more sugars to enhance their taste and texture. And refined sugars are broken down quickly in the body, meaning you could be craving more of it.
无脂饼干和蛋糕的概念是具有欺骗性的 。是的,可能你的脂肪摄入量会减少 。然而,低脂和无脂美食通常会使用更多的糖来丰富味道和质感 。精制糖在体内会很快分解,这就意味着你想吃更多的无脂食品 。
Granola comes from whole-grain oats but after being cooked in hydrogenated fats and loaded with sugars by commercial manufacturers, they become more harmful than healthy. A regular bowl of granola with milk could easily hit 600 calories.
格兰诺拉麦片来自全谷物麦片,但被商业制造商在氢化脂肪烹饪过并洒满糖之后,它们的害处就多于益处了 。一碗带有牛奶的普通格兰诺拉麦片含600卡 。
Fresh turkey is a great source of lean protein. However, packaged turkey slices — that make fillings for burgers and sandwiches — can be packed with seasonings, including high levels of sodium, making them unhealthy.
新鲜火鸡是瘦肉蛋白的良好来源 。然而,包装好的火鸡片——用来制作汉堡和三明治的肉片——可能全都是调味料,这些调味料含有大量钠,使得火鸡片不利于人体健康 。