If you're a dog person, you've probably either been told or told someone at some point that studies show having a dog can help you live a longer life. And as a dog owner, you have no problem believing this — to be honest, most of us can't imagine what life would be like without our pups.
如果你是一位爱狗人士,那么你肯定一度听说过或告诉别人这样的消息:研究表明养狗能让你活得更久 。作为狗主人,你肯定会相信这样的话——说实话,大多数养狗人士都无法想象没有狗狗的生活 。
But can the unconditional love of dogs actually help save people's lives?
Through her own personal journey from grief to healing after losing her sister to gastric cancer, author Arlene Weintraub maps out the potential dogs have to help unlock the mysteries of cancer in her book, Heal. Weintraub's well-researched findings allude to the fact that dogs' simple, unconditional love actually plays an important role a cancer patient's healing.
作家阿琳•温特劳布的姐姐死于胃癌,通过这段失去亲人的痛苦和治愈之旅,她在《治愈》一书中描述了狗狗的潜能——有助于揭开癌症的神秘面纱 。温特劳布的研究结果表明了这样一个事实:狗狗那种简单、无私的爱真的在癌症病人的治愈过程中起着重要作用 。
In an effort to learn more about the fascinating ways dogs may be helping humans curb sickness, we reached out to several doctors, pet experts and authors to get their take. Here's what they had to say.
为了更多的了解狗狗帮助人们抑制疾病的知识,我们咨询了几位医生、宠物专家和作者 。他们的观点如下 。
"Every study shows their benefits"
According to Dr. Bernie Siegel — an author, public speaker and retired surgeon — there are numerous health benefits to having companion animals. In fact, the very title of his latest book speaks to the heart of the subject: Love, Animals & Miracles: Inspiring True Stories Celebrating the Healing Bond.
据伯尼•西尔格所述——一位作家、公共演讲家和退休外科医生——动物的陪伴会给人们带来很多的健康益处 。事实上,他最新出版的那本书的标题恰恰道出了该主题的核心:《爱,动物和奇迹:那些从伤痛中愈合的鼓舞人心的事迹》(Love, Animals & Miracles: Inspiring True Stories Celebrating the Healing Bond) 。
"One study in Australia showed a 6 percent mortality rate at 12 months after a heart attack in a home with a dog, and a 24 percent mortality rate in non-dog homes," he told SheKnows. "Every study shows their benefits."
“澳大利亚的一项研究表明:养狗的家庭中如果有人患了心脏病,那么12个月之后,死亡率为6%,而在无狗家庭中,死亡率为24%,”他在接受SheKnows的访问时说道 。“每一项研究都能发现狗狗的好处 。”
While there is no hard and fast scientific explanation for why dogs are so restorative for humans, Siegel suggests the answer lies in what we learn from them. "They teach us a reverence for life," he said. "Also, animals teach that communication can be through consciousness and non-verbal."
对于狗狗能帮助人类康复这一点,虽然并没有确凿的科学解释,但西格尔认为问题的答案在于我们可以从狗狗身上学到什么 。“它们教会我们对生命的敬仰,”他说道 。“同时,动物也教会我们通过意识和非语言也是可以相互沟通的 。”
"Dogs are amazing healers"
When it comes to the healing effect dogs can have on those afflicted with cancer, Sally Morgan has firsthand knowledge. A physical therapist for pets and people, she is what Siegel would call a "cancer thriver" — and she attributes part of her success to having her beloved pet by her side.
在狗狗对癌症病人的治愈效果方面,萨利•摩根最有发言权 。她是宠物和人的物理治疗师,她就是西格尔会称之为“与癌共舞”的人——她认为成功的一部分原因是有挚爱的狗狗陪伴左右 。