Meet New York's 11-Year-Old Subway Therapist
If you're in need of some emotional advice, but have neither the time or the money to waste on a qualified therapist, this 11-year-old kid has you covered. Ciro Ortiz has set up shop in a New York subway station, and for a measly $2, he offers five-minute "emotional advice" sessions.
如果你需要感情咨询,但又不想把时间金钱浪费早专业治疗师身上,这个11岁小屁孩能让你如愿以偿 。Ciro Ortiz在纽约地铁站摆了个摊,提供5分钟只需2美元的“情感咨询”服务 。
Every Sunday, Ciro Ortiz spends about two hours at the Bedford L subway station, sitting at a folding table with a cardboard sign that reads "emotional advice $2". Believe it or not, people actually do stop by for some pearls of wisdom from the "emotional advice kid". They ask him about all sorts of things, from relationships and career advice, to Donald Trump, and he does his best to help them find the answer to their problems.
每周日,Ciro Ortiz都会在Bedford L地铁站待上大概2小时 。他坐在折叠桌旁,桌上还放了个写着“情感咨询2美元”的纸板 。信不信由你,还真有人停下来向这个“情感咨询小屁孩”求助 。人们会咨询他跟种各样的问题,从感情到事业再到川普 。他也竭尽所能帮他们找到答案 。
"I don't make much money," Ciro's dad, Adam, said. "One night he was just inspired to try an idea of how he could make his own. I was supportive of the idea and the next day we went into Williamsburg and set up the stand on the street." He was surprisingly popular with passers-by, and he's been doing it ever since. On a good day, he'll earn about $50, but it's not just money that motivates him. Ciro was bullied at school in the past, and that inspired him to channel his entrepreneurial spirit in the makeshift emotional advice desk, rather than the much more popular lemonade stand.
“我挣钱不多,”Ciro的爸爸Adam说 。“有天晚上,他突发奇想要自己去赚钱 。我支持他的想法,于是第二天我们就去威廉斯堡街上摆摊 。”当天,Ciro大受路人欢迎,从那以后他就一直干了下去 。行情好时,他一天能挣50美元,但鼓励他做下去的不仅仅是金钱:Ciro过去在学校经常被人欺负,这反倒激发了他的创业精神——设置临时情感咨询台,而不是像其他孩子一样去摆柠檬水摊 。
Plus, Ciro is apparently really good at giving people emotional advice. "Somebody came up to us and said that what he told her is what she'd been feeling in her gut that whole time," his father says. He was really nervous and unsure of himself in the beginning, but after a few Sundays, he started coming home saying ‘I've met so many wonderful people. I'm gonna end up having so many friends,' his mother, Jasmine, recalls.
此外,Ciro也非常善于给人情感方面的建议 。“有人跑过来找我们,说孩子告诉她的,正是她内心深处所想要的答案,”Ciro爸爸说 。Ciro一开始超不自信,还紧张 。但几周过去后,他回家告诉我们‘我遇到这么多美好的人,收获了这么多朋友,’Ciro的妈妈Jasmine回忆道 。
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