日期:2016-12-23 10:50



If your hair is uber thick, curly, orfrizzy, or you're just not that into your texture, you might have consideredgetting your hair chemically straightened. But the pricey salon services haverecently come under fire for causing some super-scary side effects, with hairdamage being the least of it. Here's what you need to know before putting yourhair and health at risk:




1. Chemical straighteners work by changingthe structure of your hair. Each hair is made up of grouped chains of keratin,a naturally occurring protein. Chemical treatments affect the way these chainsare held together to effectively de-coil each strand.


1. 化学拉直板是通过改变头发的结构进行运作的MEcpad_ZMS.W*,。每根头发都是由几组角蛋白链组成,这是一种天然生蛋白#79Nt(|Y64[Eo。而化学拉直头发会影响这些链相互保持的方式,从而解链角蛋白nHjeL_2*l!.s


There are several different types ofin-salon chemical straightening and smoothing treatments, with Japanese andBrazilian being the most common ones. Both processes involve coating eachstrand with a strong chemical, then warming it up to activate the formula.




The Japanese straight perm is a permanentstraightening solution that only requires touch-ups as your roots grow in aboutevery six months. It can cost between $150 and $800 per treatment, depending onthe salon. Because it involves the strongest chemicals, it poses the greatestrisks in terms of damaging your hair.







2. After chemical straightening, you can'twash your hair for at least 12 hours after treatment. This drying time, whichcan last up to several days depending on your stylist's recommendation, allowsthe product to set in.


2. 至少在化学拉直后的12小时内不得洗头4QivM6fgD[。根据理发师的建议,头发干燥时间可长达几天,以让化学产品更好的渗入n2a.|C%k@w7B%HPlhC@#


3. Many chemical smoothing treatmentscontain high levels of toxic ingredients. Turns out formaldehyde, the chemicalused to preserve cadavers, also helps many keratin chemical hair straightenerswork their magic. Unfortunately, even one-time exposure to the high levels ofthis toxin can trigger horrible symptoms, according to Tina Sigurdson,Environmental Working Group (EWG) assistant general counsel and co-author ofseveral studies on hair straightening treatments. In general, every client andstylist [exposed to keratin chemicals] complains of burning eyes, difficultybreathing, and burning sensations, estimates Kelly Merriman, a stylist fromJoliet, Ind. Customers have also complained of throat and mouth ulcers,dizziness, headaches, flu-like symptoms like vomiting, eye damage, loss oftaste and smell, and fatigue, according to Sigurdson. And because exposure iscumulative, salon workers are extra likely to suffer from severe symptoms.


3. 很多化学护发素的有毒成分都很高.UW#k[4)N#kOAJRPY。结果表明:用于保存尸体的化学物质甲醛也能让许多角蛋白化学直发剂奏效DFFA|KjqLljO.R。不幸的是,即使使用一次这样的高毒产品,也会引起可怕的症状,蒂娜·西格森说道,她是环境工作小组总法律顾问助理,也是几项有关头发拉直剂研究的合著作者]I%d!9JR76KtCd3595,2。总的来说,每一位接触过角蛋白化学物质的顾客和理发师都会抱怨眼睛有灼烧感、呼吸困难、感官也都有灼烧感,Joliet, Ind的一名理发师凯莉·梅里曼评价道rH)E~9QOJ*;6FtZ。顾客总会抱怨喉咙和口腔溃疡、眩晕、头痛和呕吐等流感症状,以及眼睛不适、失去味觉、嗅觉、疲劳等症状,西格森说道M+)i9svfYX3k^+6n8x。由于暴露于在这种环境下会慢慢积累毒素,因此理发店的工作人员最有可能患有严重症状~4gFGIuepF+&OsRx5


