Getting chicken safely from a rock-hard frozen state to a thawed ready-to-cook state raises a lot of questions. Here are the answers.
将坚如磐石的冷冻鸡肉解冻至可以做饭状态,会出现很多问题 。下面交给你如何去做 。
First, chicken should never be thawed on the counter at room temperature or in a bowl of hot water. The following methods should allow you to thaw chicken and keep it out of the “danger zone” (40 to 140°F), which is the temperature zone that allows bacteria to grow.
首先,鸡肉不应在室温下或一碗热水中解冻 。下列方法将避免解冻时的“危险区域”(40到140华氏温度),这个是促使细菌生长的温度区间 。
In general, larger cuts of chicken, especially a whole chicken, should be thawed in the refrigerator, as the chicken will start to cook on the outside if it is thawed in a microwave, and it will take a very long time in a bowl of water. However, smaller cuts, and especially boneless cuts, do well with the cold bowl of water or microwave method.
一般来说,大份额鸡肉,特别是整只鸡,应该在冰箱里解冻 。如果马上需要解冻鸡肉,那么就需要在微波炉解冻,而用一碗水解冻会花费很长的时间 。然而,较小份额的特别是需要去除骨头的话,在碗里解冻和在微波炉里解冻都可以 。
This is the most reliable and safe method, and also the one that requires no hands-on attention. But you need to plan ahead, especially if you are thawing a whole bird, or a large amount of bone-in pieces in a single package. Even a pound of ground chicken or a couple of pounds of chicken breasts will probably take up to a day to fully thaw in the fridge, and a five pound bird might take two days.
这是最可靠和安全的方法,也不需要时刻关注 。但是你需要提前计划,特别是如果你融化整只鸡,或是一大包带骨头的肌肉 。甚至一磅鸡肉或几磅的鸡胸肉在冰箱里完全融化将可能需要一天的时间,而一只5磅的鸡可能需要两天 。
You can leave chicken thawed in this way for another day or two in the fridge before cooking. Frozen chicken can be placed tightly sealed (either in vacuum sealed bags or sturdy, leak-proof storage bags) in a bowl of cold water. Do NOT use hot water! Besides possibly causing bacteria to form, warm water will also start to “cook” the outside of the meat before the middle is thawed). Change the water every 30 to 45 minutes to make sure the water stays cold. Ground meat might thaw in an hour, a small amount of boneless chicken will probably thaw in 1 to 2 hours, larger amounts and bigger cuts may take a few hours.
在做饭之前,用这种方法你可以提前一天或两天让鸡肉在冰箱里解冻 。冷冻鸡肉可以密封放置(在真空密封袋或坚固的、不漏的存储袋)在一碗冷水中 。不要使用热水!除了可能导致滋生细菌外,温水可能会让肉出现外面解冻而中间依然冻着) 。每30到45分钟换一次水以确保水冷的 。碎肉可能在一个小时内就会融化,少量的无骨鸡肉可能会在1 - 2小时融化,大份额的肌肉可能要花费几小时 。