Alan Thicke, the Canadian actor, singer and songwriter best remembered for his portrayal of the ultimate suburban middlebrow dispenser of parental advice on the sitcom “Growing Pains,” died on Tuesday in Burbank, Calif. He was 69.
加拿大演员、唱作人艾伦•西克(Alan Thicke)于周三在加利福尼亚州伯班克去世,享年69岁。他留给世人最深刻的记忆,是在情景喜剧《成长的烦恼》(Growing Pains)中扮演的那名普普通通,总是给孩子们提供各种建议的中产阶级老爸。
Mr. Thicke was playing hockey with his 19-year-old son, Carter, when he had a heart attack, his ex-wife Gloria Loring said. She added, “He died the way any good Canadian should — playing hockey with his son.”
他的前妻格洛丽亚•洛林(Gloria Loring)说,他在和19岁的儿子卡特(Carter)玩曲棍球的时候突发心脏病。她还表示,“他以真正的加拿大人特有的方式离去——和儿子一起玩曲棍球。”
Mr. Thicke projected a genial warmth across all his television work, most memorably on “Growing Pains,” which ran from 1985 to 1992 on ABC. His character, Dr. Jason Seaver, a psychiatrist, was a classic 1980s formulation of the reassuring father who solved everyone’s problems with a warm homily by the end of each 30-minute episode. The cast also included Joanna Kerns as his wife and Kirk Cameron as his oldest child.
西克在他的所有电视作品中扮演的都是和蔼暖心的角色,在《成长的烦恼》中的表演尤为令人难忘,该剧由ABC播放,从1985年一直播到了1992年。他在剧中扮演的心理医生杰森•西佛(Jason Seaver),是上世纪80年代的那种典型的可靠老爸,会在历时30分钟的每一集电视剧结尾,以暖心的说教解决每个人的问题。
The role earned Mr. Thicke the nickname America’s Dad. His character was ranked No. 37 on TV Guide’s list of the “50 Greatest TV Dads of All Time.”
这个角色让西克获得了“美国老爸”的称号。在《电视指南》(TV Guide)的“50位电视史上最棒的老爸”榜单上,他的角色名列第37位。
Thicke displayed a diversity of talents that included songwriting. He wrote the theme songs for numerous game shows, including “The Joker’s Wild,” “Celebrity Sweepstakes” and the original “Wheel of Fortune,” and co-wrote the themes for “Diff’rent Strokes” and “The Facts of Life” with Al Burton and Gloria Loring, his first wife.
西克展现了多种多样的天分,其中一项是词曲创作。他为许多游戏节目写过主题歌,包括《小丑的狂野》(The Joker’s Wild)、《名人抽奖》(Celebrity Sweepstakes)以及最初的《命运之轮》(Wheel of Fortune)。他还跟阿尔•伯顿(Al Burton)以及第一任妻子丽亚•洛林合写过《小淘气》(Diff’rent Strokes)和《生活实况》(Facts of Life)的主题歌。
His career included stints as a talk-show host (his “Thicke of the Night” lasted from 1983-84), a soap opera star (he appeared on “The Bold and the Beautiful”) and a game show host. He also played himself in appearances on the television show “How I Met Your Mother.”
他当过脱口秀主持人(他的《西克之夜》[Thicke of the Night]从1983年播到1984年)、肥皂剧明星(他曾出演《大胆而美丽》[The Bold and the Beautiful])和游戏节目主持人。他还曾在电视剧《老爸老妈的浪漫史》(How I Met Your Mother)里扮演他自己。
He was nominated for Primetime Emmy Awards and for a Golden Globe Award in 1988 for Best Performance by an Actor in a Comedy/Musical series for “Growing Pains.” He was also nominated for a Daytime Emmy in 1998 for Outstanding Audience Participation/Game Show for “Pictionary.”
He had been a head writer on the satirical talk show “Fernwood 2 Night,” which was a spinoff from “Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman.” Thicke was a host of the annual Disney Christmas Parade with Joan Lunden in the 1980s, the Miss Universe pageant and the Canadian Comedy Awards.
他曾是讽刺类脱口秀《Fernwood 2 Night》的首席撰稿人,该节目由《Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman》衍生而来。西克在上世纪80年代和琼•伦登(Joan Lunden)一起主持过每年一度的迪士尼圣诞巡游活动,他还主持过环球小姐大赛以及加拿大喜剧奖颁奖典礼。
Thicke was born on March 1, 1947, in Kirkland Lake, Ontario, as Alan Willis Jeffrey.
西克于1947年 3月1日出生在安大略省柯克兰湖,本名叫艾伦•维利斯•杰弗里(Alan Willis Jeffrey)。
He wrote “How To Raise Kids Who Won’t Hate You” and “How Men Have Babies: The Pregnant Father’s Survival Guide.”
他著有《怎样培养不怨恨你的孩子》(How To Raise Kids Who Won't Hate You)和《男人如何养孩子:孕夫生存指南》(How Men Have Babies: The Pregnant Father's Survival Guide)。
In addition to his son Robin, Thicke is survived by two other sons, Brennan and Carter, and his wife, Tanya Callau. Two previous marriages ended in divorce.
除了罗宾(Robin),西克身后还留下了另外两个儿子——布伦南(Brennan)和卡特——以及妻子塔尼娅 •卡洛(Tanya Callau)。他的前两次婚姻都以离婚收场。