Healthy Banana Splits
Best part about this dessert: you can actually eat it for breakfast.
本甜点的最佳部分:可以当早餐吃 。
Almond Joy Sorbet
When you're hankering for a bowl of ice cream, rest easy knowing this low-fat sorbet is nothing more than whipped up coconut milk topped with good-for-you almonds and mini chocolate chips. And it's delicious.
Flourless Chocolate Chip Chickpea Blondies with Sea Salt
Once you try one of these homemade pastries—packed with good-for-you chickpeas, healthy fats in the peanut butter, and well, chocolate—you'll never want to go back to your #basic blondie dessert ever again.
只要你尝了这些自制甜点——富含有益健康的鹰嘴豆、花生黄油的健康脂肪和巧克力——你就再也不想吃那种普通的金黄蛋糕了 。
Greek Yogurt Fruit Tart
Sure, it may seem like a summer dessert, but when it tastes this good (and satisfies your gluten-free friends), you'll make it year-round.
当然,听起来像是一道夏日甜点,但真的特别好吃(而且不喜欢吃麸质的人也可享用),所以是道一年四季都可享用的甜点哦 。
Chocolate Chia Mousse
Instead of going to the vending machine for yet another candy bar, try whipping up one of these puddings you can pack to-go. All you need are chia seeds, cacao powder, and light coconut milk.
相比去售卖机购买另一个糖果棒,倒不如自己在家制作这些可以随身带的布丁 。你只需要奇亚籽、可可粉和淡椰奶就可以制作啦!
Fruit & Yogurt Parfaits with Easy Granola
Yogurt topped with granola, strawberries, and sliced bananas is the perfect post-dinner snack that won't leave you feeling sluggish.
在酸奶上面加上麦片、草莓和切片香蕉,这简直就是晚餐后的完美甜点啊,吃完后会让你神采奕奕 。
Skinny Frozen Peanut Butter Pies
This blend of fat-free cream cheese and PB on top of low-fat graham cracker crumbs will surely satisfy any post-dinner craving. Even your foodie friends will be impressed.
在低脂格雷克饼上浇上无脂肪奶油芝士和花生酱,这款派肯定会让晚餐后想吃零食的人得到满足 。甚至你的美食朋友也会被这道甜点惊艳 。
Heart Healthier Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies
Make these up now and consider them a trial run for when you make them on Valentine's Day.
现在就开始准备起来吧,就当练练手好了,这样在情人节就可以送出完美甜点了 。
Sugar Bowl Bakery's Organic Brownie Bites
At only 90 calories per serving, go on and have two.
每份只含90卡路里,放开吃吧,吃两份都不会胖 。
Peach Frozen Yogurt
Skip the expensive froyo shop and DIY yours by combining peaches, honey, and vanilla yogurt in a blender or food processor. Pinky promised it's just as tasty.
不用去昂贵的冻酸奶店,你可以将桃子、蜂蜜和香草味酸奶放在搅拌机或食物处理器中自己做酸奶 。Pinky保证味道和店里的一样好 。
Tofu Chocolate Mousse
We know, we know: tofu isn't exactly the first ingredient that comes to mind when you're talking dessert. But this recipe will change the mind of even your biggest skeptic.
我们知道:当谈到甜点时,豆腐并不是最佳的制作材料 。但这份食谱会改变你的看法,甚至改变你的最大怀疑 。
Avocado Brownies
Turns out the nutrition-packed green fruit makes for a much-healthier and creamier alternative to butter and oil. Try adding a small sprinkle of candy canes for a holiday-themed treat.
结果表明这种富含营养的绿色食物比黄油更加健康、美味 。在假日主题美食日中,可以试着撒一点点的糖果棒 。
Banana Oat Cookies
With all-natural ingredients and only two prep steps, it doesn't get much easier than this.
所有的材料都是纯天然的,而且只需要两个步骤,没有什么比这更简单了 。