But it was only in 1872 that the German mathematician Dedekind had shown exactly how to define ‘real numbers’ in terms of the integers, in such a way that no appeal was made to the concept of measurement.
This step both unified the concepts of number and length, and had the effect of pushing Hilbert’s questions about geometry into the domain of the integers, or ‘arithmetic’, in its technical mathematical sense.
As Hilbert said, all he had done was ‘to reduce everything to the question of consistency for the arithmetical axioms, which is left unanswered.’
At this point, different mathematicians adopted different attitudes.
There was a point of view that it was absurd to speak of the axioms of arithmetic.
Nothing could be more primitive than the integers.
On the other hand, it could certainly be asked whether there existed a kernel of fundamental properties of the integers, from which all the others could be derived.
Dedekind also tackled this question, and showed in 1888 that all arithmetic could be derived from three ideas: that there is a number 1, that every number has a successor, and that a principle of induction allows the formulation of statements about all numbers.