日期:2016-11-23 11:41



Your arms want you to eat carbs
Even though there's a constant back-and-forth debate over eating or not eating carbs for losing weight, there's no question that they're essential for building muscle—especially if you want lean arms, says fitness and nutrition coach Adam Rosante. Of course, it's best to limit your starchy carbs (pasta, rice, and potatoes), but you shouldn't toss them altogether. "Your brain needs carbohydrates to function properly," says Rosante. "Cut them completely and you'll be a hot mess in no time."




Working out too much can mess with your period
By now you know that exercise can help alleviate your biggest PMS issues. While that's still true, experts now say that overdoing it on the treadmill can actually do the opposite and lead to hormonal imbalances, irregular bleeding, and excessive spotting. Now, this doesn't mean you get to write off your period as an excuse to skip the gym, says Alyssa Dweck, M.D., associate clinical professor at Mount Sinai. Instead, she says to aim for 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day, and get plenty of rest in between.
You store a lot of your stress in your pelvic floor
It's not something that's widely discussed—well, at least it wasn't until Gwyneth Paltrow made it cool—but the truth is good pelvic health is crucial to curing urinary incontinence, and it can help you let go of tension and unwanted stress. Even if you seem to be showing no signs of problems down there, maintaining a strong pelvic floor can help alleviate lower back pain, says Amy Stein, an NYC-based physical therapist.
Your gut can help you cure a cold
Or at least prevent you from getting another case of the sniffles. While things like rest and vitamin C also make you less prone to getting sick, experts say good bacteria in your gut can make your immune system way stronger. You might want to consider upping your probiotic intake during the upcoming cold and flu season with fermented foods, like sauerkraut.
